Kathrine E Starkweather
Kathrine E Starkweather
Assistant Professor of Anthropology; University of Illinois Chicago
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A survey of non-classical polyandry
KE Starkweather, R Hames
Human Nature 23, 149-172, 2012
Navigating cross-cultural research: methodological and ethical considerations
T Broesch, AN Crittenden, BA Beheim, AD Blackwell, JA Bunce, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1935), 20201245, 2020
Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous response
BA Scelza, SP Prall, T Blumenfield, AN Crittenden, M Gurven, M Kline, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (1), 20-26, 2020
Does absence matter? A comparison of three types of father absence in rural Bangladesh
MK Shenk, K Starkweather, HC Kress, N Alam
Human Nature 24, 76-110, 2013
Matriliny reverses gender disparities in inflammation and hypertension among the Mosuo of China
AZ Reynolds, K Wander, CY Sum, M Su, M Emery Thompson, PL Hooper, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (48), 30324-30327, 2020
The role of spousal separation on norms related to gender and sexuality among himba pastoralists
B Scelza, S Prall, K Starkweather
Social Sciences 10 (5), 174, 2021
Paternity confidence and social obligations explain men's allocations to romantic partners in an experimental giving game
BA Scelza, SP Prall, K Starkweather
Evolution and Human Behavior 41 (1), 96-103, 2020
Biological constraints and socioecological influences on women's pursuit of risk and the sexual division of labour
KE Starkweather, MK Shenk, R McElreath
Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, e59, 2020
One piece of the matrilineal puzzle: the socioecology of maternal uncle investment
K Starkweather, M Keith
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1780), 20180071, 2019
Shodagor Family Strategies: Balancing work and family on the water
KE Starkweather
Human Nature 28, 138-166, 2017
Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals
CT Ross, PL Hooper, JE Smith, AV Jaeggi, EA Smith, S Gavrilets, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (22), e2220124120, 2023
Are fathers a good substitute for mothers? Paternal care and growth rates in Shodagor children
KE Starkweather, MH Keith, SP Prall, N Alam, F Zohora, ...
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (6), e22148, 2021
Estimating impacts of the nuclear family and heritability of nutritional outcomes in a boat‐dwelling community
KE Starkweather, MH Keith
American Journal of Human Biology 30 (3), e23105, 2018
Exploration into human polyandry: An evolutionary examination of the non-classical cases
KE Starkweather
A preliminary survey of lesser-known polyandrous societies
K Starkweather
Nebraska anthropologist 24, 17-36, 2009
Shodagor women cooperate across domains of work and childcare to solve an adaptive problem
KE Starkweather, AZ Reynolds, F Zohora, N Alam
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378 (1868), 20210433, 2023
The evolutionary demography of sex ratios in rural Bangladesh
MK Shenk, MC Towner, K Starkweather, CJ Atkisson, N Alam
Applied evolutionary anthropology: Darwinian approaches to contemporary …, 2014
Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous response. Nature Human Behaviour, 4 (1), 20-26
BA Scelza, SP Prall, T Blumenfield, AN Crittenden, M Gurven, M Kline, ...
Parenting strategies in modern and emerging economies: Introduction to the special issue
KG Anderson, KE Starkweather
Human Nature 28, 133-137, 2017
Economic impacts and nutritional outcomes of the 2017 floods in Bangladeshi Shodagor fishing families
KE Starkweather, MH Keith, FT Zohora, N Alam
American Journal of Human Biology, e23826, 2023
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