Claudia Feijoó
Claudia Feijoó
Profesora e investigadora, Universidad Nacional de Luján
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Baseline water quality and macrophyte assemblages in Pampean streams: a regional approach
CS Feijoó, RJ Lombardo
Water research 41 (7), 1399-1410, 2007
Primary producers in a Pampean stream: temporal variation and structuring role
A Giorgi, C Feijoó, G Tell
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 1699-1718, 2005
Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems
PS Keller, N Catalán, D von Schiller, HP Grossart, M Koschorreck, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2126, 2020
Global changes in pampean lowland streams (Argentina): implications for biodiversity and functioning
A Rodrigues Capítulo, N Gómez, A Giorgi, C Feijoó
Global change and river ecosystems—implications for structure, function and …, 2010
Effects of macrophyte heterogeneity and food availability on structural parameters of the macroinvertebrate community in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, C Feijoó, A Giorgi, L Leggieri
Hydrobiologia 664, 199-211, 2011
Effects of macrophyte architecture and leaf shape complexity on structural parameters of the epiphytic algal community in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, A Giorgi, C Feijoó
Aquatic Ecology 47, 389-401, 2013
Temporal and spatial variability in streams of a pampean basin
CS Feijoó, A Giorgi, ME García, F Momo
Hydrobiologia 394, 41-52, 1999
Factors influencing biomass and nutrient content of the submersed macrophyte Egeria densa Planch. in a pampasic stream
CS Feijoó, FR Momo, CA Bonetto, NM Tur
Hydrobiologia 341, 21-26, 1996
Sau reservoir’s light climate: relationships between Secchi depth and light extinction coefficient
J Armengol, L Caputo, M Comerma, C Feijoó, JC García, R Marcé, ...
Limnetica 22 (1-2), 195-210, 2003
Nutrient absorption by the submerged macrophyte Egeria densa Planch.: effect of ammonium and phosphorus availability in the water column on growth and nutrient uptake
C Feijoó
limnetica 21 (1), 93-104, 2002
Interaction between wind‐induced seiches and convective cooling governs algal distribution in a canyon‐shaped reservoir
R Marcé, C Feijoó, E Navarro, J Ordoñez, J Gomà, J Armengol
Freshwater Biology 52 (7), 1336-1352, 2007
Catchment morphometric characteristics, land use and water chemistry in Pampean streams: a regional approach
G Amuchástegui, L Di Franco, C Feijoó
Hydrobiologia 767, 65-79, 2016
Phosphate uptake in a macrophyte-rich Pampean stream
C Feijoó, A Giorgi, N Ferreiro
Limnologica 41 (4), 285-289, 2011
Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes
J Artigas, E García-Berthou, DE Bauer, MI Castro, J Cochero, DC Colautti, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (1), 014002, 2013
High nutrient retention in chronically nutrient-rich lowland streams
VJ García, P Gantes, L Giménez, C Hegoburu, N Ferreiro, F Sabater, ...
Freshwater Science 36 (1), 26-40, 2017
Valoración de la calidad de ribera en un arroyo pampeano y su relación con las comunidades de macrófitas y peces
C Feijoó, P Gantes, ADN Giorgi, JJ Rosso, E Zunino
Biología acuática, 113-128, 2012
Macroinvertebrates select complex macrophytes independently of their body size and fish predation risk in a Pampean stream
N Ferreiro, C Feijoó, A Giorgi, J Rosso
Hydrobiologia 740, 191-205, 2014
Stoichiometric homeostasis in the food web of a chronically nutrient-rich stream
C Feijoó, L Leggieri, C Ocón, I Muñoz, A Rodrigues Capitulo, A Giorgi, ...
Freshwater Science 33 (3), 820-831, 2014
La biota de los ríos: los macrófitos
C Feijoó, M Menéndez
Conceptos y técnicas en ecología fluvial, 243-252, 2009
Multiple stressors and social-ecological traps in Pampean streams (Argentina): a conceptual model
M Graziano, A Giorgi, C Feijoó
Science of the Total Environment 765, 142785, 2021
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Articles 1–20