Michal Munk
Michal Munk
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
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Citované v
Fake consumer review detection using deep neural networks integrating word embeddings and emotion mining
P Hajek, A Barushka, M Munk
Neural Computing and Applications 32 (23), 17259-17274, 2020
Data preprocessing evaluation for web log mining: reconstruction of activities of a web visitor
M Munk, J Kapusta, P Švec
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 2273-2280, 2010
Data pre-processing evaluation for text mining: transaction/sequence model
D Munková, M Munk, M Vozár
Procedia Computer Science 18, 1198-1207, 2013
A systematic review of blockchain applications
FA Sunny, P Hajek, M Munk, MZ Abedin, MS Satu, MIA Efat, MJ Islam
Ieee Access 10, 59155-59177, 2022
Teachers' Professional Digital Literacy Skills and Their Upgrade.
J Záhorec, A Hašková, M Munk
European Journal of Contemporary Education 8 (2), 378-393, 2019
Impact of different pre-processing tasks on effective identification of users’ behavioral patterns in web-based educational system
M Munk, M Drlík
Procedia Computer Science 4, 1640-1649, 2011
Influence of stop-words removal on sequence patterns identification within comparable corpora
D Munková, M Munk, M Vozár
ICT Innovations 2013: ICT Innovations and Education, 67-76, 2014
Data advance preparation factors affecting results of sequence rule analysis in web log mining
M Munk, J Kapusta, P Švec, M Turčáni
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2010
Automatic bird species recognition based on birds vocalization
J Stastny, M Munk, L Juranek
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2018 (1), 1-7, 2018
Influence of different session timeouts thresholds on results of sequence rule analysis in educational data mining
M Munk, M Drlik
Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications …, 2011
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of sequence patterns found by application of different educational data preprocessing techniques
M Munk, M Drlík, L Benko, J Reichel
IEEE access 5, 8989-9004, 2017
Phthalate exposure and health-related outcomes in specific types of work environment
B Kolena, I Petrovicova, T Pilka, Z Pucherova, M Munk, B Matula, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (6 …, 2014
Methodology design for data preparation in the process of discovering patterns of Web users behaviour
M Munk, M Drlik, J Kapusta, D Munkova
Applied Mathematics & Information Science 7 (1), 27-36, 2013
Usage analysis in the web-based distance learning environment in a foreign language education: Case study
D Klocoková, M Munk
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 15, 993-997, 2011
Comparison of fake and real news based on morphological analysis
J Kapusta, P Hájek, M Munk, Ľ Benko
Procedia Computer Science 171, 2285-2293, 2020
Cut-off time calculation for user session identification by reference length
J Kapusta, M Munk
2012 6th International Conference on Application of Information and …, 2012
Data preprocessing dependency for web usage mining based on sequence rule analysis
M Munk, J Kapusta, P Švec
IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, 179-181, 2009
Neural networks with emotion associations, topic modeling and supervised term weighting for sentiment analysis
P Hajek, A Barushka, M Munk
International journal of neural systems 31 (10), 2150013, 2021
Impact of electronic teaching materials on process of education-results of an experiment
J Záhorec, A Hasková, M Munk
Informatics in education 9 (2), 261-281, 2010
Evaluation of English–Slovak neural and statistical machine translation
L Benkova, D Munkova, Ľ Benko, M Munk
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 2948, 2021
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