David J. Abson
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Citované v
Leverage points for sustainability transformation
DJ Abson, J Fischer, J Leventon, J Newig, T Schomerus, U Vilsmaier, ...
Ambio 46, 30-39, 2017
Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom
IJ Bateman, AR Harwood, GM Mace, RT Watson, DJ Abson, B Andrews, ...
science 341 (6141), 45-50, 2013
Cultural ecosystem services: a literature review and prospects for future research
AI Milcu, J Hanspach, D Abson, J Fischer
Ecology and society 18 (3), 2013
A review of transdisciplinary research in sustainability science
P Brandt, A Ernst, F Gralla, C Luederitz, DJ Lang, J Newig, F Reinert, ...
Ecological economics 92, 1-15, 2013
Land sparing versus land sharing: moving forward
J Fischer, DJ Abson, V Butsic, MJ Chappell, J Ekroos, J Hanspach, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (3), 149-157, 2014
Reconnecting with nature for sustainability
CD Ives, DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, C Dorninger, K Klaniecki, J Fischer
Sustainability science 13, 1389-1397, 2018
Ecosystem services as a boundary object for sustainability
DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, S Baumgärtner, J Fischer, J Hanspach, ...
Ecological Economics 103, 29-37, 2014
A review of urban ecosystem services: six key challenges for future research
C Luederitz, E Brink, F Gralla, V Hermelingmeier, M Meyer, L Niven, ...
Ecosystem services 14, 98-112, 2015
Human–nature connection: a multidisciplinary review
CD Ives, M Giusti, J Fischer, DJ Abson, K Klaniecki, C Dorninger, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 26, 106-113, 2017
Putting meaning back into “sustainable intensification”
J Loos, DJ Abson, MJ Chappell, J Hanspach, F Mikulcak, M Tichit, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (6), 356-361, 2014
Global patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: Implications for sustainability in the 21st century
C Dorninger, A Hornborg, DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, A Schaffartzik, ...
Ecological economics 179, 106824, 2021
Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas
E Brink, T Aalders, D Ádám, R Feller, Y Henselek, A Hoffmann, K Ibe, ...
Global environmental change 36, 111-123, 2016
Using principal component analysis for information-rich socio-ecological vulnerability mapping in Southern Africa
DJ Abson, AJ Dougill, LC Stringer
Applied Geography 35 (1-2), 515-524, 2012
Response to Turnhout et al.’s rethinking biodiversity: from goods and services to “living with”
DJ Abson, J Hanspach
Conservation Letters, 2013
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
I Fazey, N Schäpke, G Caniglia, A Hodgson, I Kendrick, C Lyon, G Page, ...
Energy research & social science 70, 101724, 2020
Reframing the food–biodiversity challenge
J Fischer, DJ Abson, A Bergsten, NF Collier, I Dorresteijn, J Hanspach, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32 (5), 335-345, 2017
Landscape diversity and the resilience of agricultural returns: a portfolio analysis of land-use patterns and economic returns from lowland agriculture
DJ Abson, EDG Fraser, TG Benton
Agriculture & food security 2, 1-15, 2013
Many pathways toward sustainability: not conflict but co-learning between transition narratives
C Luederitz, DJ Abson, R Audet, DJ Lang
Sustainability Science 12, 393-407, 2017
Experiments and evidence in sustainability science: A typology
G Caniglia, N Schäpke, DJ Lang, DJ Abson, C Luederitz, A Wiek, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 169, 39-47, 2017
Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands
LC Stringer, AJ Dougill, AD Thomas, DV Spracklen, S Chesterman, ...
Environmental science & policy 19, 121-135, 2012
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