Hari Priyadi
Hari Priyadi
Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University Indonesia, ERM Jakarta and SLU Sweden
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Cited by
Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome
MJP Sullivan, J Talbot, SL Lewis, OL Phillips, L Qie, SK Begne, J Chave, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 39102, 2017
Reduced-impact logging in Indonesian Borneo: some results confirming the need for new silvicultural prescriptions
P Sist, D Sheil, K Kartawinata, H Priyadi
Forest Ecology and Management 179 (1-3), 415-427, 2003
Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots
C Blundo, J Carilla, R Grau, A Malizia, L Malizia, O Osinaga-Acosta, ...
Biological Conservation 260, 108849, 2021
Five hundred plant species in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java: a checklist including Sundanese names, distribution, and use
H Priyadi, G Takao, I Rahmawati, B Supriyanto, WI Nursal, I Rahman
CIFOR, 2010
The Tropical managed Forests Observatory: a research network addressing the future of tropical logged forests
P Sist, E Rutishauser, M Peña‐Claros, A Shenkin, B Hérault, L Blanc, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 18 (1), 171-174, 2015
Approaches to classifying and restoring degraded tropical forests for the anticipated REDD+ climate change mitigation mechanism
N Sasaki, GP Asner, W Knorr, PB Durst, HR Priyadi, FE Putz
Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 4 (1), 1, 2011
Ambiguity in timber trade regarding efforts to combat illegal logging: Potential impacts on trade between south-east Asia and Europe
A Giurca, R Jonsson, F Rinaldi, H Priyadi
Forests 4 (4), 730-750, 2013
The lowland forest tree community in Malinau, Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo): results from a one-hectare plot
D Sheil, K Kartawinata, I Samsoedin, H Priyadi, JJ Afriastini
Plant Ecology & Diversity 3 (1), 59-66, 2010
Governing the landscape: potential and challenges of integrated approaches to landscape sustainability in Indonesia
AT Rebecca Anne Riggs, Ramadhani Achdiawan, Ani Adiwinata, Agni Klintuni ...
Landscape Ecology 36 (6), 2021
Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. Sci Rep 7: 39102
MJP Sullivan, J Talbot, SL Lewis, OL Phillips, L Qie, SK Begne, J Chave, ...
Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities
DLM Cooper, SL Lewis, MJP Sullivan, PI Prado, H Ter Steege, N Barbier, ...
Nature 625 (7996), 728-734, 2024
Multi-agent simulation of alternative scenarios of collaborative forest management
H Purnomo, Y Yasmi, R Prabhu, L Yuliani, H Priyadi, JK Vanclay
Small-scale Forest Economics, Management and Policy 2 (2), 277-292, 2003
Permanent Sample Plots, More Than Just Forest Data: Proceedings of International Workshop on Promoting Permanent Sample Plots in Asia and the Pacific Region: Bogor, Indonesia …
H Priyadi, P Gunarso, M Kanninen
CIFOR, 2006
Logging for the ark
L Gustafsson, R Nasi, R Dennis, NH Nghia, D Sheil, E Meijaard, ...
CIFOR, 2007
Developing a predictive understanding of landscape importance to the Punan-Pelancau of East Kalimantan, Borneo
RN Cunliffe, TJP Lynam, D Sheil, M Wan, A Salim, I Basuki, H Priyadi
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 36 (7), 593-599, 2007
Livelihoods, Land Types, and the Importance of Ecosystem Goods and Services: Developing a Predictive Understanding of Landscape Valuation by the Punan Pelancau People of East …
T Lynam
Cifor, 2006
Reducedimpact logging and high extraction rates in mixed dipterocarp forests of Borneo: the need for new silvicultural prescriptions
P Sist, D Sheil, K Kartawinata, H Priyadi
Forest Ecology and Management 179, 415-427, 2003
Reduced impact logging: benefits and constraints
H Priyadi, P Sist, P Gunarso, M Kanninen, K Kartawinata, D Sheil, ...
Reduced-impact logging (RIL) research and development in Malinau research forest, East Kalimantan: a challenge of RIL adoption
H Priyadi, P Gunarso, P Sist, H Dwiprabowo
Proceedings ITTO-MoF Regional Workshop: RIL Implementation in Indonesia with …, 2006
Fields guide to the CIFOR’S permanent sample plots: conventional impact logging treatments (Plot’s 28 dan 29)
KK Machfudh, H Priyadi, D Sheil
Bulungan Research Forest Field Guide Series 2, 2001
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Articles 1–20