Rafel Prohens
Cited by
Cited by
Degenerate Hopf bifurcations in discontinuous planar systems
B Coll, A Gasull, R Prohens
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 253 (2), 671-690, 2001
Bifurcation of limit cycles from two families of centers
B Coll, A Gasull, R Prohens
Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A …, 2005
Canards, folded nodes, and mixed-mode oscillations in piecewise-linear slow-fast systems
M Desroches, A Guillamon, E Ponce, R Prohens, S Rodrigues, AE Teruel
SIAM review 58 (4), 653-691, 2016
Differential equations defined by the sum of two quasi-homogeneous vector fields
B Coll, A Gasull, R Prohens
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 49 (2), 212-231, 1997
Limit cycles for rigid cubic systems
A Gasull, R Prohens, J Torregrosa
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 303 (2), 391-404, 2005
Quadratic perturbations of a class of quadratic reversible systems with two centers
B Coll, C Li, R Prohens
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 24 (3), 699-729, 2009
Slow–fast n-dimensional piecewise linear differential systems
R Prohens, AE Teruel, C Vich
Journal of Differential Equations 260 (2), 1865-1892, 2016
New lower bounds for the Hilbert numbers using reversible centers
R Prohens, J Torregrosa
Nonlinearity 32 (1), 331, 2018
The center problem for discontinuous Liénard differential equation
B Coll, R Prohens, A Gasull
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9 (09), 1751-1761, 1999
Limit cycles bifurcating from a perturbed quartic center
B Coll, J Llibre, R Prohens
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 44 (4-5), 317-334, 2011
Quadratic and cubic systems with degenerate infinity
A Gasull, R Prohens
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 198 (1), 25-34, 1996
Bifurcation of limit cycles from a polynomial non-global center
A Gasull, R Prohens, J Torregrosa
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 20 (4), 945-960, 2008
Canard trajectories in 3D piecewise linear systems
R Prohens, AE Teruel
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 33 (3), 4595-4611, 2013
Center-focus and isochronous center problems for discontinuous differential equations
B Coll, A Gasull, R Prohens
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 6 (3), 609-624, 2000
Asymptotic lower bounds on Hilbert numbers using canard cycles
MJ Álvarez, B Coll, P De Maesschalck, R Prohens
Journal of Differential Equations 268 (7), 3370-3391, 2020
Piecewise-linear (PWL) canard dynamics: Simplifying singular perturbation theory in the canard regime using piecewise-linear systems
M Desroches, S Fernández-García, M Krupa, R Prohens, AE Teruel
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 1: Mathematical Theory and Computational Methods, 67-86, 2018
Centers and limit cycles for a family of Abel equations
MJ Álvarez, JL Bravo, M Fernández, R Prohens
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 453 (1), 485-501, 2017
Topological classification of polynomial complex differential equations with all the critical points of centre type
MJ Álvarez, A Gasull, R Prohens
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 16 (5-6), 411-423, 2010
Alien limit cycles in Liénard equations
B Coll, F Dumortier, R Prohens
Journal of Differential Equations 254 (3), 1582-1600, 2013
Configurations of critical points in complex polynomial differential equations
MJ Álvarez, A Gasull, R Prohens
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (3-4), 923-934, 2009
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Articles 1–20