Carlos Bautista
Carlos Bautista
Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Science
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Cited by
Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes
M Cimatti, N Ranc, A Benítez‐López, L Maiorano, L Boitani, F Cagnacci, ...
Diversity and Distributions 27 (4), 602-617, 2021
Large carnivore damage in Europe: Analysis of compensation and prevention programs
C Bautista, E Revilla, J Naves, J Albrecht, N Fernández, A Olszańska, ...
Biological Conservation 235, 308-316, 2019
Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective
G Bombieri, J Naves, V Penteriani, N Selva, A Fernández-Gil, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-10, 2019
Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale
C Bautista, J Naves, E Revilla, N Fernández, J Albrecht, AK Scharf, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016
Human–bear conflicts at the beginning of the twenty-first Century: Patterns, determinants, and mitigation measures
M Krofel, M Elfström, H Ambarlı, G Bombieri, E González-Bernardo, ...
Bears of the world: Ecology, conservation and management, 2020
Spatial ecology of conflicts: Unravelling patterns of wildlife damage at multiple scales
C Bautista, E Revilla, T Berezowska-Cnota, N Fernández, J Naves, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1958), 20211394, 2021
Living high and at risk: predicting Andean bear occurrence and conflicts with humans in southeastern Peru
R Rojas-VeraPinto, C Bautista, N Selva
Global Ecology and Conservation 36, e02112, 2022
Individuality matters in human–wildlife conflicts: Patterns and fraction of damage‐making brown bears in the north‐eastern Carpathians
T Berezowska‐Cnota, MK Konopiński, K Bartoń, C Bautista, E Revilla, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (6), 1127-1138, 2023
Resource pulses and human–wildlife conflicts: linking satellite indicators and ground data on forest productivity to predict brown bear damages
C Bautista, J Oeser, T Kuemmerle, N Selva
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 9 (1), 90-103, 2023
Compensations for brown bear damages in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 1999-2014
C Bautista, A Olszańska, T Berezowska-Cnota, H Fedyń, T Jastrzębski, ...
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystąonmy 71 (6), 442-453, 2015
FAIR data would alleviate large carnivore conflict
N Selva, C Bautista, A Fernández-Gil, M de Gabriel Hernando, ...
Science 382 (6673), 893-894, 2023
Odszkodowania za szkody powodowane przez niedźwiedzie brunatne w województwie podkarpackim w latach 1999–2014
C Bautista, A Olszańska, T Berezowska-Cnota, H Fedyń, T Jastrzębski, ...
Let's protect Our Indigenous Nature 71 (6), 442-453, 2015
Institutional Science for Policy Report on the damages produced by and the conservation status of wolves in Europe
E Revilla, C Vilŕ, JA Leonard, A Fernández-Gil, M Clavero, J Naves, ...
CSIC-Estación Biológica de Dońana (EBD), 2023
Predator control on land and at sea: A comparison and call for common standards of assessment
L Nunny, C Bautista, S Palazón, AW Trites, D Van Liere, MP Simmonds
Carnivore Damage Prevention News, 13-19, 2020
Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective
H Ambarli, C Bautista, T Bespalova, V Bobrov, V Bolshakov, ...
E Revilla, J Naves, A Fernández, C Rodríguez, M Díaz-Fernández, ...
Recuperando biodiversidad: La contribución del CSIC para evitar la extinción …, 2019
Wildlife restoration needs more effort to mitigate conservation conflicts: the case of large carnivore damages in Europe
C Bautista, E Revilla, J Naves, N Fernández, J Albrecht, A Olszańska, ...
ECCB2018: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 12th-15th of June …, 2018
The issue of human-bear relationships
MG Shkvyria, PB Khoetcky, EM Ulyura, IV Dikyy, CL Bautista Leon
Brown bear (Ursus actos): problems of conservation and studying of …, 2015
Results from awarded Experience and Exchange grants: After the trail of brown bear damages in the Ukrainian Carpathians
C Bautista
International Bear News 23, 16-17, 2014
Natural and anthropogenic drivers of brown bear damage occurrence Naturalne i antropogeniczne czynniki wpływające na występowanie szkód powodowanych przez niedźwiedzie
C Bautista
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Articles 1–20