Andrej Rozman
Andrej Rozman
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Gap recruitment and partitioning in an old-growth beech forest of the Dinaric Mountains: Influences of light regime, herb competition and browsing
J Diaci, T Adamic, A Rozman
Forest Ecology and Management 285, 20-28, 2012
Regeneration gap and microsite niche partitioning in a high alpine forest: Are Norway spruce seedlings more drought-tolerant than beech seedlings?
J Diaci, J Rozman, A Rozman
Forest Ecology and Management 455, 117688, 2020
Long-term use of uneven-aged silviculture in mixed mountain Dinaric forests: a comparison of old-growth and managed stands
M Adamic, J Diaci, A Rozman, D Hladnik
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 90 (2), 279-291, 2017
Gozdni rastiščni tipi Slovenije: vegetacijske, sestojne in upravljavske značilnosti
A Bončina, A Rozman, I Dakskobler, M Klopčič, V Babij, A Poljanec
Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire Biotehniške fakultete, 2021
A general framework to describe the alteration of natural tree species composition as an indicator of forest naturalness
A Bončina, M Klopčič, T Simončič, I Dakskobler, A Ficko, A Rozman
Ecological Indicators 77, 194-204, 2017
Forest regeneration dynamics following bark beetle outbreak in Norway spruce stands: Influence of meso-relief, forest edge distance and deer browsing
A Rozman, J Diaci, A Krese, G Fidej, D Rozenbergar
Forest Ecology and Management 353, 196-207, 2015
Drivers of regeneration dynamics following salvage logging and different silvicultural treatments in windthrow areas in Slovenia
G Fidej, A Rozman, J Diaci
Forest Ecology and Management 409, 378-389, 2018
Influence of salvage logging on forest recovery following intermediate severity canopy disturbances in mixed beech dominated forests of Slovenia
G Fidej, A Rozman, TA Nagel, I Dakskobler, J Diaci
IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (3), 430, 2016
Cascading effects of canopy mortality drive long‐term changes in understorey diversity in temperate old‐growth forests of Europe
TA Nagel, G Iacopetti, J Javornik, A Rozman, P De Frenne, F Selvi, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 30 (5), 905-916, 2019
Intermediate disturbances are a key driver of long‐term tree demography across old‐growth temperate forests
TA Nagel, D Firm, A Rozman
Ecology and evolution 11 (23), 16862-16873, 2021
Conversion of Pinus nigra Plantations with Natural Regeneration in the Slovenian Karst: The Importance of Intermediate, Gradually Formed Canopy Gaps
J Diaci, T Adamič, A Rozman, G Fidej, D Roženbergar
Forests 10 (12), 1136, 2019
Slovenski veliki leksikon
M Kocjan-Barle, D Bajt, M Benčina, D Čuden, A Janko, N Šlibar, M Jamnik, ...
Mladinska knjiga Založba, 2005
Forest and scrub communities with green alder (Alnus viridis) in Slovenia
I Dakskobler, A Rozman, A Seliškar
Hacquetia 12 (2), 95-185, 2013
Phytosociological analysis of riverine forests along the Sava Bohinjka, Radovna, Učja and Slatenik Rivers in northwestern Slovenia/Fitocenološka analiza logov ob Savi Bohinjki …
I Dakskobler, A Rozman
Folia biologica et geologica 54 (2), 37-105, 2013
Distribution of the association Rhodothamno-Laricetum in Slovenia= Razširjenost asociacije Rhodothamno-Laricetum v Sloveniji
I Dakskobler, F Leban, A Rozman, A Seliškar
Folia biologica et geologica 51 (4), 165-175, 2010
Slovaška slovnica za Slovence
J Vaňko, A Rozman, T Sajovic
Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slavistiko, 2004
Functional analysis of vegetation on alpine treeline ecotone in the Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps in Slovenia
A Rozman, J Diaci, F Batič
European Journal of Forest Research 132, 579-591, 2013
Primerjava naravne in umetne obnove gozdov, prizadetih v naravnih ujmah
G Fidej, S Klaužer, K Klemen, A Rozman, J Diaci
Gozdarski vestnik 71 (1), 19-24, 2013
Evidence of a Climate-Change-Induced Shift in European Beech Distribution: An Unequal Response in the Elevation, Temperature and Precipitation Gradients
M Klopčič, A Rozman, A Bončina
Forests 13 (8), 1311, 2022
Betula pubescens Ehrh. subsp. carpatica (Willd.) Ascherson & Graebner, a new taxon in the flora of the Julian Alps and Slovenia and its new association Rhododendro hirsuti …
I Dakskobler, A Rozman, WR Franz
Folia biologica et geologica 53 (1-2), 5-23, 2012
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