Lauren Rast
Cited by
Cited by
Electroless silver plating on spin-coated silver nanoparticle seed layers
S Schaefers, L Rast, A Stanishevsky
Materials Letters 60 (5), 706-709, 2006
Stratified graphene/noble metal systems for low-loss plasmonics applications
L Rast, TJ Sullivan, VK Tewary
Physical Review B 87 (4), 045428, 2013
Computational modeling of electromagnetically induced heating of magnetic nanoparticle materials for hyperthermic cancer treatment
L Rast, JG Harrison
PIERS Online 6 (7), 690-694, 2010
Aggregated nanoparticle structures prepared by thermal decomposition of poly (vinyl)-N-pyrrolidone/Ag nanoparticle composite films
L Rast, A Stanishevsky
Applied Physics Letters 87 (22), 223118, 2005
Synthesis of complex shape gold nanoparticles in water–methanol mixtures
AV Stanishevsky, H Williamson, H Yockell-Lelievre, L Rast, AM Ritcey
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 6 (7), 2013-2017, 2006
Electron Energy Loss Function of Silicene and Germanene Multilayers on Silver
L Rast, VK Tewary
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.0838, 2013
Plasmonic properties of metallic nanostructures, two dimensional materials, and their composites
L Rast
Applied Spectroscopy and the Science of Nanomaterials, 165-189, 2015
Modeling metamaterials: Planar heterostructures based on graphene, silicene, and germanene
L Rast, VK Tewary
Modeling, Characterization, and Production of Nanomaterials, 27-50, 2023
Nanophotonics: From quantum confinement to collective interactions in metamaterial heterostructures
L Rast, VK Tewary
Modeling, Characterization, and Production of Nanomaterials, 351-370, 2015
PIERS Online
H Liu, L Liu, B Barrowes, L Rast, JG Harrison, H Liu, D Jiao, B Wu, ...
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