Bruno Jacob
Cited by
Cited by
An arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ALE-SPH) method with a boundary volume fraction formulation for fluid-structure interaction
B Jacob, B Drawert, TM Yi, L Petzold
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 128, 274-289, 2021
A hybrid smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD) spatial stochastic simulation algorithm (sSSA) for advection–diffusion–reaction problems
B Drawert, B Jacob, Z Li, TM Yi, L Petzold
Journal of computational physics 378, 1-17, 2019
Finite basis kolmogorov-arnold networks: domain decomposition for data-driven and physics-informed problems
AA Howard, B Jacob, SH Murphy, A Heinlein, P Stinis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19662, 2024
Epidemiological modeling in StochSS Live!
R Jiang, B Jacob, M Geiger, S Matthew, B Rumsey, P Singh, F Wrede, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (17), 2787-2788, 2021
Path planning strategies for hardness improvement employing surface remelting in AISI 1045 steel
LE dos Santos Paes, JR Andrade, MG Prates, DDBG de Souza, SL Briao, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 425, 127728, 2021
Validation data for a hybrid smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD) spatial stochastic simulation algorithm (sSSA) method
B Drawert, B Jacob, Z Li, TM Yi, L Petzold
Data in brief 22, 11-15, 2019
Effects of random disturbances on the stability of a temporally evolving incompressible plane wake
B Jacob, LER Duarte, JR Andrade, CAR Duarte
Mechanics Research Communications 103, 103475, 2020
Multifidelity Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
AA Howard, B Jacob, P Stinis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.14764, 2024
A computational model explores the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue sodium levels during migraine
B Jacob, A Kolko, MG Harrington, L Petzold
HEADACHE 61, 85-86, 2021
An improved particle-based method with applications to multiscale biophysical problems
BT Pereira Jacob
UC Santa Barbara, 2021
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Articles 1–10