Hussam Atoui
Hussam Atoui
PhD Control and AI Engineer
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Cited by
LPV-based autonomous vehicle lateral controllers: A comparative analysis
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanés, JJ Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 13570-13581, 2021
Parameter varying approach for a combined (kinematic+ dynamic) model of autonomous vehicles
H Atoui, O Sename, E Alcala, V Puig
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 15071-15076, 2020
Toward switching/interpolating LPV control: A review
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJ Martinez-Molina
Annual Reviews in Control 54, 49-67, 2022
Design and experimental validation of a lateral lpv control of autonomous vehicles
H Atoui, V Milanés, O Sename, JJ Martinez
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
Real-time look-ahead distance optimization for smooth and robust steering control of autonomous vehicles
H Atoui, V Milanés, O Sename, JJ Martinez
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 924-929, 2021
Interpolation of multi-LPV control systems based on Youla–Kucera parameterization
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJ Martinez
Automatica 134, 109963, 2021
Intelligent control switching for autonomous vehicles based on reinforcement learning
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanés, JJ Martinez
2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 792-797, 2022
Advanced LPV-YK Control Design with Experimental Validation on Autonomous Vehicles
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJM Molina
ROS Implementation of Planning and Robust Control Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles
M Hachem, AM Borrell, O Sename, H Atoui, M Morato
Electronics 12 (17), 3680, 2023
Design and Experimental Validation of RL-Based Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles
AM Gómez Ruiz, H Atoui, O Sename
International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering, 99-116, 2023
Switching/interpolating lpv control based on youla-kucera parameterization: Application to autonomous vehicles
H Atoui
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2022
Smooth Switching of Multi-LPV Control Systems Based on Youla-Kucera Parameterization
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJ Martinez
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (35), 19-24, 2022
Design and experimental Validation of an Hinifnity Adaptive Cruise Control for a Scaled Car
W Sayssouk, H Atoui, A Medero, O Sename
ICMCE 2021-10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control …, 2021
Multi‐variable and multi‐objective gain‐scheduled control based on Youla‐Kucera parameterization: Application to autonomous vehicles
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJ Martinez‐Molina
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 34 (9), 5889-5909, 2024
Method for assisting with driving an autonomous motor vehicle on a road
H Atoui, DG Bautista, I Mahtout, V Milanes
US Patent App. 18/258,087, 2024
Modeling and Control of BLDC Motor for Scaled Autonomous Vehicle Application
M Hachem, A Medero, H Atoui, O Sename
International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering, 13-28, 2023
Synthèse/Interpolation de Régulateurs LPV Basé sur Paramétrisation de Youla-Kucera: application aux Véhicules Autonomes
H Atoui
Université Grenoble Alpes, 2022
Design and Experimental Validation of an Adaptive Cruise Control for a Scaled Car
W Sayssouk, H Atoui, A Medero, O Sename
International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering, 71-85, 2021
Youla-Kucera Parameterization
H Atoui, O Sename, V Milanes, JJM Molina
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Articles 1–19