Gonzalo González-Nuevo González
Gonzalo González-Nuevo González
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Upwelling index: a powerful tool for marine research in the NW Iberian upwelling system
G González-Nuevo, J Gago, JM Cabanas
Journal of Operational Oceanography 7 (1), 47-57, 2014
Comparison of biomass and size spectra derived from optical plankton counter data and net samples: application to the assessment of mesoplankton distribution along the …
E Nogueira, G González-Nuevo, A Bode, M Varela, XAG Morán, L Valdés
ICES Journal of Marine Science 61 (4), 508-517, 2004
Springtime zooplankton size structure over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay
P Vandromme, E Nogueira, M Huret, Á Lopez-Urrutia, M Sourisseau, ...
Ocean Science 10 (5), 821-835, 2014
The ichthyoplankton assemblage and the environmental variables off the NW and N Iberian Peninsula coasts, in early spring
JM Rodríguez, G González-Nuevo, C González-Pola, J Cabal
Continental shelf research 29 (8), 1145-1156, 2009
Mesozooplankton species distribution in the NW and N Iberian shelf during spring 2004: Relationship with frontal structures
J Cabal, G González-Nuevo, E Nogueira
Journal of Marine Systems 72 (1-4), 282-297, 2008
Coastal dynamics off Northwest Iberia during a stormy winter period
P Otero, M Ruiz-Villarreal, L García-García, G González-Nuevo, ...
Ocean Dynamics 63, 115-129, 2013
Study of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) regime shifts in the Iberian Atlantic shelf waters
Á Cabrero, G González‐Nuevo, J Gago, JM Cabanas
Fisheries Oceanography 28 (3), 305-316, 2019
Recent changes and trends of the upwelling intensity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
A Benazzouz, H Demarcq, G González-Nuevo
The influence of phytoplankton productivity, temperature and environmental stability on the control of copepod diversity in the North East Atlantic
E Nogueira, G González-Nuevo, L Valdés
Progress in Oceanography 97, 92-107, 2012
A trophic index for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and its relationship to population abundance in the southern Bay of Biscay and adjacent waters of the NE Atlantic
A Bode, P Carrera, G González-Nuevo, E Nogueira, I Riveiro, MB Santos
Progress in Oceanography 166, 139-147, 2018
Temporal and spatial variability of river plumes in the NW and N Iberian shelf (1987–2007)
G González-Nuevo, E Nogueira
Continental Shelf Research 91, 95-108, 2014
Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España
MT Álvarez-Ossorio-Costa, R Anadón, A Bode, JM Cabanas-López, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de A Coruña, 2012
Intrusions of warm and salty waters onto the NW and N Iberian shelf in early spring and its relationship to climate variability
G González-Nuevo, E Nogueira
Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science 10 (4), 361-375, 2005
Seabed litter distribution in the high seas of the Flemish Pass area (NW Atlantic)
A García-Alegre, E Román-Marcote, J Gago, G González-Nuevo, ...
Scientia Marina 84 (1), 93-101, 2020
Estudio de los Ecosistemas Marinos Vulnerables en aguas internacionales del Atlántico Sudoccidental
JL Río-Iglesias, J Acosta-Yepes, J Cristobo, J Portela, S Parra-Descalzo, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Gijón, 2012
Capítulo 2. Hidrografía y circulación
C González-Pola, A Lavín, G Díaz-del-Río-Pérez, JM Cabanas-López, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Gijón, 2012
Walking on the sea side: Modeling and observational efforts of the Iberian Margin Ocean Observatory (RAIA)
P Otero, M Ruiz-Villarreal, L García-García, M Marta-Almeida, M Cobas, ...
OCEANS 2011 IEEE-Spain, 1-6, 2011
Ocean Climate Variability on the Flemish Cap in NAFO subdivision 3M during 2015
E Colbourne, A Pérez-Rodríguez, A Cabrero, G González-Nuevo
NAFO SCR Doc 16, 019, 2016
Hydrological structures along the N and NW Iberian Shelf during the winter–spring transition
E Nogueira, G González-Nuevo, XAG Morán, M Varela, A Bode
Thalassas 19 (2b), 65-7, 2003
Upwelling Index as a regional climatic index in the NW Iberian Peninsula
G González-Nuevo, A Cabrero, J Gago, JM Cabanas
ICES CM, 2014
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