Jerzy Gawąd
Jerzy Gawąd
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Inverse analysis for identification of rheological and friction models in metal forming
D Szeliga, J Gawad, M Pietrzyk
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (48-49), 6778-6798, 2006
Multi-level modelling of mechanical anisotropy of commercial pure aluminium plate: crystal plasticity models, advanced yield functions and parameter identification
K Zhang, B Holmedal, OS Hopperstad, S Dumoulin, J Gawad, A Van Bael, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 66, 3-30, 2015
An evolving plane stress yield criterion based on crystal plasticity virtual experiments
J Gawad, D Banabic, A Van Bael, DS Comsa, M Gologanu, P Eyckens, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 75, 141-169, 2015
Hierarchical multi-scale modeling of texture induced plastic anisotropy in sheet forming
J Gawad, A Van Bael, P Eyckens, G Samaey, P Van Houtte, D Roose
Computational Materials Science 66, 65-83, 2013
Plastic behaviour of sheet metal
D Banabic
Sheet metal forming processes: constitutive modelling and numerical …, 2010
The prediction of differential hardening behaviour of steels by multi-scale crystal plasticity modelling
P Eyckens, H Mulder, J Gawad, H Vegter, D Roose, T van den Boogaard, ...
International journal of plasticity 73, 119-141, 2015
Parameters identification of material models based on the inverse analysis
D Szeliga, J Gawąd, M Pietrzyk
International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science 14 (4 …, 2004
Application of CAFE multiscale model to description of microstructure development during dynamic recrystallization
J Gawad, M Pietrzyk
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 52 (2), 257, 2007
A full-field strategy to take texture-induced anisotropy into account during FE simulations of metal forming processes
P Van Houtte, J Gawad, P Eyckens, B Van Bael, G Samaey, D Roose
JOM 63, 37-43, 2011
Identification of rheological parameters on the basis of various types of compression and tension tests
J Gawad, R Kuziak, L Madej, D Szeliga, M Pietrzyk
steel research international 76 (2-3), 131-137, 2005
Cellular automata coupled with hp-adaptive Finite Element Method applied to simulation of austenite-ferrite phase transformation with a moving interface
J Gawad, M Paszynski, P Matuszyk, L Madej
Steel Research International 79, 579-586, 2008
Internal variable and cellular automata-finite element models of heat treatment
P Macioł, J Gawad, R Kuziak, M Pietrzyk
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 8 (3), 2010
Multi-scale material modelling to predict the material anisotropy of multi-phase steels
SK Ravi, M Seefeldt, A Van Bael, J Gawad, D Roose
Computational Materials Science 160, 382-396, 2019
Multiscale modeling of microstructure and macroscopic properties in thixoforming process using cellular automation technique
J Gawąd, P Macioł, M Pietrzyk
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 50 (3), 549-562, 2005
Multi-scale modelling of the development of heterogeneous distributions of stress, strain, deformation texture and anisotropy in sheet metal forming
P Van Houtte, J Gawad, P Eyckens, B Van Bael, G Samaey, D Roose
Procedia IUTAM 3, 67-75, 2012
Cellular automaton technique as a tool for a complex analysis of the microstructure evolution and rheological behaviour
J Gawad, L Madej, D Szeliga, M Pietrzyk
Acta Metallurgica Slovaka 11, 45-53, 2005
Inverse analysis of tensile tests
D Szeliga, J Gawad, M Pietrzyk, R Kuziak
steel research international 76 (11), 807-814, 2005
Interpretation of the tensile test results interpretation based on two criterion optimization
J Gawad, D Szeliga, A Bator, V Pidvysockyy, M Pietrzyk
Proc. 14. Conf. KomPlasTech, Informatics in Metal Technology, 27-34, 2004
Validation of Multi‐scale Model Describing Microstructure Evolution in Steels
J Gawąad, B Niznik, R Kuziak, M Pietrzyk
steel research international 79 (8), 652-659, 2008
Evolving texture-informed anisotropic yield criterion for sheet forming
J Gawad, D Banabic, DS Comsa, M Gologanu, A Van Bael, P Eyckens, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1567 (1), 350-355, 2013
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Articles 1–20