Patrick Zollner
Patrick Zollner
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University
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Citované v
Towards a behavioral ecology of ecological landscapes
SL Lima, PA Zollner
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11 (3), 131-135, 1996
Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change
Science 353, 6304, 2016
Search strategies for landscape‐level interpatch movements
PA Zollner, SL Lima
Ecology 80 (3), 1019-1030, 1999
Inter‐specific variation in avian responses to human disturbance
DT Blumstein, E FERNÁNDEZ‐JURICIC, PA Zollner, SC Garity
Journal of applied ecology 42 (5), 943-953, 2005
Landscape-level perceptual abilities in white-footed mice: perceptual range and the detection of forested habitat
PA Zollner, SL Lima
Oikos, 51-60, 1997
Behavioral tradeoffs when dispersing across a patchy landscape
PA Zollner, SL Lima
Oikos 108 (2), 219-230, 2005
Comparing the landscape level perceptual abilities of forest sciurids in fragmented agricultural landscapes
PA Zollner
Landscape ecology 15, 523-533, 2000
Anti-predatory vigilance and the limits to collective detection: visual and spatial separation between foragers
SL Lima, PA Zollner
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 38, 355-363, 1996
Using body size to predict perceptual range
SG Mech, PA Zollner
Oikos 98 (1), 47-52, 2002
Predation, scramble competition, and the vigilance group size effect in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis)
SL Lima, PA Zollner, PA Bednekoff
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46, 110-116, 1999
Foray search: an effective systematic dispersal strategy in fragmented landscapes
L Conradt, PA Zollner, TJ Roper, K Frank, CD Thomas
The American Naturalist 161 (6), 905-915, 2003
Illumination and the perception of remote habitat patches by white-footed mice
PA Zollner, SL Lima
Animal Behaviour 58 (3), 489-500, 1999
Influence of forest management alternatives and land type on susceptibility to fire in northern Wisconsin, USA
EJ Gustafson, PA Zollner, BR Sturtevant, HS He, DJ Mladenoff
Landscape Ecology 19, 327-341, 2004
Influence of canopy closure and shrub coverage on travel along coarse woody debris by eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
PA Zollner, KJ Crane
The American Midland Naturalist 150 (1), 151-157, 2003
Understanding wildlife responses to human disturbance through simulation modelling: a management tool
VJ Bennett, M Beard, PA Zollner, E Fernández-Juricic, L Westphal, ...
Ecological Complexity 6 (2), 113-134, 2009
Human influence on the abundance and connectivity of high-risk fuels in mixed forests of northern Wisconsin, USA
BR Sturtevant, PA Zollner, EJ Gustafson, DT Cleland
Landscape Ecology 19, 235-253, 2004
Historical perspective on the reintroduction of the fisher and American marten in Wisconsin and Michigan
BW Williams
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 2007
Characteristics and Adaptive Significance of Latrines of Swamp Rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus)
PA Zollner, WP Smith, LA Brennan
Journal of Mammalogy 77 (4), 1049-1058, 1996
Herbaceous layer response to 17 years of controlled deer hunting in forested natural areas
LH Jenkins, MA Jenkins, CR Webster, PA Zollner, JM Shields
Biological Conservation 175, 119-128, 2014
Modeling the indirect effects of road networks on the foraging activities of bats
VJ Bennett, DW Sparks, PA Zollner
Landscape ecology 28, 979-991, 2013
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