Zandra de Araujo
Zandra de Araujo
University of Florida - Lastinger Center for Learning
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Cited by
English learners in K–12 mathematics education: A review of the literature
Z de Araujo, SA Roberts, C Willey, W Zahner
Review of Educational Research 88 (6), 879-919, 2018
Mathematics teachers' motivations for, conceptions of, and experiences with flipped instruction
Z de Araujo, S Otten, S Birisci
Teaching and teacher education 62, 60-70, 2017
Measuring mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions with drawn quantities
A Izsák, E Jacobson, Z De Araujo, CH Orrill
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 43 (4), 391-427, 2012
Connections between secondary mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their selection of tasks for English language learners
Z de Araujo
Curriculum inquiry 47 (4), 363-389, 2017
Preservice teachers’ articulated noticing through pedagogies of practice
AT Estapa, J Amador, KW Kosko, T Weston, Z de Araujo, R Aming-Attai
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 21, 387-415, 2018
Conceptualizing “homework” in flipped mathematics classes
Z de Araujo, S Otten, S Birisci
Journal of educational technology & society 20 (1), 248-260, 2017
Animating pre-service teachers’ noticing
Z de Araujo, J Amador, A Estapa, K Kosko, T Weston, R Aming-Attai
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 17 (2), 25-44, 2015
Eliciting and analyzing preservice teachers' mathematical noticing
JM Amador, A Estapa, Z de Araujo, KW Kosko, TL Weston
Mathematics Teacher Educator 5 (2), 158-177, 2017
Teacher-created videos in a flipped mathematics class: digital curriculum materials or lesson enactments?
Z de Araujo, S Otten, S Birisci
ZDM 49, 687-699, 2017
Developing coherent conceptual storylines: Two elementary challenges
D Hanuscin, K Lipsitz, D Cisterna-Alburquerque, KA Arnone, ...
Journal of Science Teacher Education 27, 393-414, 2016
Animations as a transformational approximation of practice for preservice teachers to communicate professional noticing
J Amador, TA WesTon, A Estapa, K Kosko, Z De Araujo
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 24 (2), 127-151, 2016
Reflecting on the dialogue regarding the mathematics education of English learners
Z de Araujo, E Smith, M Sakow
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 9 (2), 2016
Examining English language learners’ learning needs through the lens of algebra curriculum materials
Z de Araujo, E Smith
Educational Studies in Mathematics 109 (1), 65-87, 2022
Teachers' Conceptions of Integrated Mathematics Curricula
Z de Araujo, E Jacobson, L Singletary, P Wilson, L Lowe, AM Marshall
School Science and Mathematics 113 (6), 285-296, 2013
Preparing Elementary Mathematics Specialists
Z de Araujo, C Webel, B Reys
Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining …, 2017
Going beyond# RetireELL: A call for anti-colonial approaches to languages in STEM education
MA Takeuchi, S Kayumova, Z de Araujo, TC Madkins
Journal of research in science teaching 59 (5), 876, 2022
The re-novicing of elementary teachers in science? Grade level reassignment and teacher PCK
DL Hanuscin, Z de Araujo, D Cisterna, K Lipsitz, D van Garderen
Journal of Science Teacher Education 31 (7), 780-801, 2020
Transferring Demand: Secondary Teachers' Selection and Enactment of Mathematics Tasks for English Language Learners
Z De Araujo
University of Georgia, 2012
Teachers’ instructional responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
C Vahle, Z de Araujo, J Han, S Otten
Teaching and Teacher Education 124, 104040, 2023
Inspecting the foundations of claims about cognitive demand and student learning: A citation analysis of Stein and Lane (1996)
S Otten, C Webel, Z de Araujo
The journal of mathematical behavior 45, 111-120, 2017
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Articles 1–20