Sahar Zafari
Sahar Zafari
Researcher at Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering (LIVE) at The University of Texas at Austin
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Cited by
Segmentation of overlapping elliptical objects in silhouette images
S Zafari, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kälviäinen, H Haario
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 5942-5952, 2015
Segmentation of partially overlapping nanoparticles using concave points
S Zafari, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kälviäinen, H Haario
Advances in Visual Computing: 11th International Symposium, ISVC 2015, Las …, 2015
Comparison of concave point detection methods for overlapping convex objects segmentation
S Zafari, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kälviäinen, H Haario
Image Analysis: 20th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2017, Tromsø, Norway …, 2017
Segmentation of partially overlapping convex objects using branch and bound algorithm
S Zafari, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kälviäinen, H Haario
Computer Vision–ACCV 2016 Workshops: ACCV 2016 International Workshops …, 2017
Resolving overlapping convex objects in silhouette images by concavity analysis and Gaussian process
S Zafari, M Murashkina, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kälviäinen, H Haario
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 73, 102962, 2020
Segmentation of overlapping convex objects
S Zafari
Automated segmentation of nanoparticles in BF TEM images by U-Net binarization and branch and bound
S Zafari, T Eerola, P Ferreira, H Kälviäinen, A Bovik
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 18th International Conference …, 2019
Automated Segmentation of the Pectoral Muscle in Axial Breast MR Images
S Zafari, M Diab, T Eerola, SE Hanson, GP Reece, GJ Whitman, ...
Advances in Visual Computing: 14th International Symposium on Visual …, 2019
Segmentation of partially overlapping convex objects in silhouette images
S Zafari
Lappeenranta University of Technology, 2018
CellVision: Automatic segmentation of overlapping objects for cell image analysis
S Zafari, T Eerola, J Sampo, H Kalviainen, H Haario, A Bovik
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Articles 1–10