Americo Sansigolo Kerr
Cited by
Cited by
Vehicle emissions and PM2.5 mass concentrations in six Brazilian cities
MF Andrade, RM de Miranda, A Fornaro, A Kerr, B Oyama, PA de Andre, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 5, 79-88, 2012
Characteristics of fine and coarse particles of natural and urban aerosols of Brazil
CQ Orsini, MH Tabacniks, P Artaxo, MF Andrade, AS Kerr
Atmospheric Environment (1967) 20 (11), 2259-2269, 1986
Chemical characterization and source apportionment of household fine particulate matter in rural, peri-urban, and urban West Africa
Z Zhou, KL Dionisio, TG Verissimo, AS Kerr, B Coull, S Howie, RE Arku, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (2), 1343-1351, 2014
Chemical composition and sources of particle pollution in affluent and poor neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana
Z Zhou, KL Dionisio, TG Verissimo, AS Kerr, B Coull, RE Arku, P Koutrakis, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (4), 044025, 2013
A análise do efeito estufa em textos paradidáticos e periódicos jornalísticos
MER Xavier, AS Kerr
Caderno Brasileiro de ensino de Física 21 (3), 325-349, 2004
An isotopic study of atmospheric lead in a megacity after phasing out of leaded gasoline
SMCL Gioia, M Babinski, DJ Weiss, B Spiro, AAFS Kerr, TG Veríssimo, ...
Atmospheric Environment 149, 70-83, 2017
Insights into the dynamics and sources of atmospheric lead and particulate matter in São Paulo, Brazil, from high temporal resolution sampling
SMCL Gioia, M Babinski, DJ Weiss, AAFS Kerr
Atmospheric research 98 (2-4), 478-485, 2010
Lagrangian stochastic dispersion modelling for the simulation of the release of contaminants from tall and low sources
JDC Carvalho, GA Degrazia, D Anfossi, CRJ De Campos, DR Roberti, ...
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 11 (2), 89-97, 2002
Characterization of the indoor particles and their sources in an Antarctic research station
ÉC Pagel, N Costa Reis, CE de Alvarez, JM Santos, MM Conti, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-16, 2016
Analysis of atmospheric aerosol (PM2. 5) in Recife city, Brazil
LHM dos Santos, AAFS Kerr, TG Veríssimo, MF Andrade, RM de Miranda, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 64 (5), 519-528, 2014
Vehicle emissions and PM2. 5 mass concentrations in six Brazilian cities, Air Qual. Atmos. Heal., 5, 79–88
MF Andrade, RM Miranda, A Fornaro, A Kerr, B Oyama, PA Andre, ...
Melipona garbage bees release their cargo according to a Gaussian distribution
AS Kerr, WE Kerr
Revista Brasileira de Biologia 59, 119-123, 1999
A dispersion study of the aerosol emitted by fertiliser plants in the region of Serra do Mar Sierra, Cubatao, Brazil
AFS Kerr, D Anfossi, JC Carvalho, ST Castelli
International journal of environment and pollution 16 (1-6), 251-263, 2001
Investigation of inhalable aerosol dispersion at Cubatão by means of a modeling system for complex terrain
AAFS Kerr, SA do Nascimento, D Anfossi, ST Castelli
Hybrid Methods in Engineering 2 (4), 2000
Vehicle emissions and PM2. 5 mass concentrations in six Brazilian cities. Air Qual. Atmos
MF de Andrade, RM de Miranda, A Fornaro, A Kerr, B Oyama, ...
Health 5, 79-88, 2012
Análise do Particulado Inalável em Cubatão/V. Parisi, São Paulo, Brasil
An. Acad. Bras. Ci 68, 181-191, 1996
Clima global, meio ambiente e justiça social
Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, 10-11, 2012
Lead isotopic composition as atmospheric pollutant tracer in an urban system: São Paulo city-Brazil
SMCL Gioia, M Babinski, AAFS Kerr, TG Veríssimo
Book of abstracts, 2008
Espalhamento de luz na atmosfera
AS Kerr
Para o Curso de Física da Poluição do Ar FAP346, 2006
Parametrizacao da dispersao de poluentes e sua associacao com modelos receptores em cubatao
AAFS Kerr, CMQ Orsini
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Articles 1–20