Poonam Railkar
Poonam Railkar
Assistan Professor
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Identity management for internet of things
PN Mahalle, PN Railkar
River Publishers, 2022
Long-term and short-term traffic forecasting using holt-winters method: A comparability approach with comparable data in multiple seasons
AR Raikwar, RR Sadawarte, RG More, RS Gunjal, PN Mahalle, ...
International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) 8 (2), 38-50, 2017
An efficient and reliable data transmission service using network coding algorithms in peer-to-peer network
NP Sable, VU Rathod, PN Mahalle, PN Railkar
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 2022
Communication protocol and queuing theory-based modelling for the internet of things
S Mahamure, PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
Journal of ICT Standardization, 157-176, 2015
Scalable trust management model for machine to machine communication in Internet of Things using fuzzy approach
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (6 …, 2021
Access control schemes for machine to machine communication in IoT: comparative analysis and discussion
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
2018 IEEE global conference on wireless computing and networking (GCWCN), 59-63, 2018
Long-Term and Short-Term Traffic Forecasting Using Holt-Winters Method
AR Raikwar, RR Sadawarte, RG More, RS Gunjal, PN Mahalle, ...
Proposed identity and access management in future internet (IAMFI): a behavioral modeling approach
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
Journal of ICT Standardization, 1-36, 2014
Mathematical representation of quality of service (QoS) parameters for internet of things (IoT)
S Mahamure, PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA) 4 (3), 96-107, 2017
Proposed identity and access management in future internet (IAMFI): a behavioral modeling approach
NP Ambritta, PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
Journal of ICT 2 (1), 1-36, 2014
Policy-aware distributed and dynamic trust based access control scheme for internet of things
PN Railkar, P Mahalle, G Shinde, N Sable
International journal on recent and innovation trends in computing and …, 2022
Intelligent wildlife tracking using ubiquitous technological suite
MS Jawalkar, N Desale, F Suratwala, A Lamkhade, PN Mahalle, ...
International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) 8 (1), 44-59, 2017
A queuing theory-based modelling for performance analysis towards future internet
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
2014 Annual IEEE india conference (INDICON), 1-7, 2014
3 Threat analysis and attack modeling for machine-to-machine communication toward Internet of things
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde, HR Bhapkar
The Internet of Everything, 45, 2019
Distributed access control and authorization (DACA) for internet of things
PN Mahalle, S Mahamure, PN Railkar, PR Chandre
IJETT 3 (3), 2016
A Queuing Theory-based Modelling for Performance Analysis towards Future Internet‖, India Conference (INDICON)
P Nancy Ambritta, PN Railkar, NM Parikshit
2014 Annual IEEE, 0
Proposed secure context aware profile translation
PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
IJITS 1 (2), 0
Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster based Data Processing
H Karchalkar, P Railkar
IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Internet of Things, Next …, 2016
Internet-SensorInformation Mining Using Machine Learning Approach
SP Amilkanthwar, PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
International Journal of Computer Science and Network 4 (6), 2015
Collaborative Mutual Identity Establishment (CMIE) for the future internet
N Ambritta P, PN Railkar, PN Mahalle
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 11 (4), 398-417, 2015
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Articles 1–20