Alexander Robertson
Cited by
Cited by
The importance of awareness for understanding language.
H Rabagliati, A Robertson, D Carmel
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (2), 190, 2018
Self-Representation on Twitter Using Emoji Skin Color Modifiers
A Robertson, W Magdy, S Goldwater
ICWSM, 2018
Emoji skin tone modifiers: Analyzing variation in usage on social media
A Robertson, W Magdy, S Goldwater
ACM Transactions on Social Computing 3 (2), 1-25, 2020
How do children learn to avoid referential ambiguity? Insights from eye-tracking
H Rabagliati, A Robertson
Journal of Memory and Language 94, 15-27, 2017
Black or White but never neutral: How readers perceive identity from yellow or skin-toned emoji
A Robertson, W Magdy, S Goldwater
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-23, 2021
Evaluating historical text normalization systems: How well do they generalize?
A Robertson, S Goldwater
NAACL, 2018
The language of dialogue is complex
A Robertson, LM Aiello, D Quercia
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 13 …, 2019
Semantic journeys: quantifying change in emoji meaning from 2012-2018
A Robertson, FF Liza, D Nguyen, B McGillivray, SA Hale
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.00846, 2021
Scaling systematic literature reviews with machine learning pipelines
S Goldfarb-Tarrant, A Robertson, J Lazic, T Tsouloufi, L Donnison, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04665, 2020
Expression and perception of identity through skin-toned emoji
A Robertson
The University of Edinburgh, 2022
Identity Signals in Emoji do not Influence Perception of Factual Truth on Twitter
A Robertson, W Magdy, S Goldwater
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03160, 2021
Automatic Normalisation of Historical Text
A Robertson
University of Edinburgh, 2017
System (s) and method (s) for causing contextually relevant emoji (s) to be visually rendered for presentation to user (s) in smart dictation
A Gokhale, J Chen, A Abdagic, A Olczak, A Agostini, A Robertson, ...
US Patent App. 17/957,489, 2024
Automatic Identification of Spelling Variation in Historical Texts
A Robertson
University of Cambridge, 2015
Deep Learning for Historical Text Normalisation
A Robertson
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Articles 1–15