Xiaoyu Zhu
Xiaoyu Zhu
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A comprehensive analysis of factors influencing the injury severity of largetruck crashes
X Zhu, S Srinivasan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 49-57, 2011
Analysis of driver injury severity in single-vehicle crashes on rural and urban roadways
Q Wu, G Zhang, X Zhu, X Liu, R Tarefder
Accident Analysis and Prevention 94, 34-45, 2016
Modeling Occupant-level Injury Severity: An Application to Large-Truck Crashes
X Zhu, S Srinivasan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1427-1437, 2011
A Bayesian Network model for contextual versus non-contextual driving behavior assessment
X Zhu, Y Yuan, X Hu, YC Chiu, YL Ma
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 81, 172-187, 2017
Comparison Between Gravity and Destination Choice Models for Trip Distribution in Maryland
S Mishra, Y Wang, X Zhu, R Moeckel, S Mahaparta
Transportation Research Board 92th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, 2013
Reasons and Countermeasures of Traffic Congestion under Urban Land Redevelopment
Y Wang, X Zhu, L Li, B Wu
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 96, 2164-2172, 2013
Analysis of crashes in freeway work zone queues: A case study
S Srinivasan, G Carrick, X Zhu, K Heaslip, S Washburn
Southeastern Transp. Center, Knoxville, TN, USA, Rep, 2008
Design of Driving Behavior Pattern Measurements Using Smartphone Global Positioning System Data
X Zhu, X Hu, YC Chiu
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 2 (4), 269-288, 2013
Evaluation of urban redevelopment impact on non-motorized traffic
Y Wang, L Li, X Zhu, B Wu, L Li
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 2 (3 …, 2015
Investigating the Neighborhood Effect on the Hybrid Vehicle Adoption,
X Zhu, C Liu
Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2385, 37-44, 2013
Integrated Multimodal Metropolitan Transportation Model
Y Wang, X Zhu, L Li, B Wu
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 96, 2138-2146, 2013
Corrections of Self-Selection Bias in Crash Causality Study: An application on All-Red signal Control
S Mishra, X Zhu
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 7 (2), 107-123, 2015
Urban Land Redevelopment Impact Evaluation on Non-motorized Traffic: A Case Study in Shanghai
Y Wang, X Zhu, L Li, B Wu
Transportation Research Board 92th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, 2013
Modeling Location of Crashes Within Work Zones: Methodology and Case Study Application
X Zhu, S Srinivasan, G Carrick, K Heaslip
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 2010
Analyzing the Effect of All-‐Red Intervals in Crash Reduction: A Case Study of Heckman Correction at Urban Signalized Intersection Crashes
S Mishra, X Zhu
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meetin g Compendium of Papers …, 2013
How Severe are the Problems of Congestion and Unreliability? An Empirical Analysis of Traveler Perceptions
X Zhu, S Srinivasan
Network Reliability in Practice, 2012
A tour-based analysis of travel mode choice accounting for regional transit service
C Ding, Y Lin, B Xie, X Zhu, S Mishra
Journal of Central South University 22 (1), 402-408, 2015
A Case Study in Spatial Misclassification of Work Zone Crashes
G Carrick, K Heaslip, S Srinivasan, X Zhu
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, 2009
A Multi-resolution Approach to Investigate the Impacts of Pre-planned Road Capacity Reduction Based on Smartphone GPS Trajectory Data-A Case Study of MoPac Expressway in Austin …
X Hu, X Zhu, Y Yuan, A Rehan, YC Chiu, M Zmud
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Multiresolution Approach to Investigate the Impacts of Planned Road Capacity Reduction Based on Smartphone GPS Trajectory Data: Case Study of MoPac Expressway in Austin, Texas
X Hu, X Zhu, Y Yuan, A Rehan, YC Chiu, M Zmud
Transportation Research Board 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–20