Yoshihiko Takano
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Cited by
Superconductivity at 27K in tetragonal FeSe under high pressure
Y Mizuguchi, F Tomioka, S Tsuda, T Yamaguchi, Y Takano
Applied Physics Letters 93 (15), 2008
Pressure evolution of the low-temperature crystal structure and bonding of the superconductor FeSe
S Margadonna, Y Takabayashi, Y Ohishi, Y Mizuguchi, Y Takano, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (6), 064506, 2009
Anion height dependence of Tc for the Fe-based superconductor
Y Mizuguchi, Y Hara, K Deguchi, S Tsuda, T Yamaguchi, K Takeda, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (5), 054013, 2010
Superconductivity in Novel BiS2-Based Layered Superconductor LaO1-xFxBiS2
Y Mizuguchi, S Demura, K Deguchi, Y Takano, H Fujihisa, Y Gotoh, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (11), 114725, 2012
Review of Fe chalcogenides as the simplest Fe-based superconductor
Y Mizuguchi, Y Takano
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79 (10), 102001, 2010
Superconducting properties of MgB2 bulk materials prepared by high-pressure sintering
Y Takano, H Takeya, H Fujii, H Kumakura, T Hatano, K Togano, H Kito, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (19), 2914-2916, 2001
BiS-based layered superconductor BiOS
Y Mizuguchi, H Fujihisa, Y Gotoh, K Suzuki, H Usui, K Kuroki, S Demura, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (22), 220510, 2012
Substitution effects on FeSe superconductor
Y Mizuguchi, F Tomioka, S Tsuda, T Yamaguchi, Y Takano
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (7), 074712-074712, 2009
Superconductivity in S-substituted FeTe
Y Mizuguchi, F Tomioka, S Tsuda, T Yamaguchi, Y Takano
Applied Physics Letters 94 (1), 2009
Superconductivity in diamond thin films well above liquid helium temperature
Y Takano, M Nagao, I Sakaguchi, M Tachiki, T Hatano, K Kobayashi, ...
Applied physics letters 85 (14), 2851-2853, 2004
Crystal structure of the new FeSe 1− x superconductor
S Margadonna, Y Takabayashi, MT McDonald, K Kasperkiewicz, ...
Chemical communications, 5607-5609, 2008
Origin of the metallic properties of heavily boron-doped superconducting diamond
T Yokoya, T Nakamura, T Matsushita, T Muro, Y Takano, M Nagao, ...
Nature 438 (7068), 647-650, 2005
Evidence for a Multiple Superconducting Gap in from High-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy
S Tsuda, T Yokoya, T Kiss, Y Takano, K Togano, H Kito, H Ihara, S Shin
Physical review letters 87 (17), 177006, 2001
Nanoscale phase separation in the iron chalcogenide superconductor KFeSe as seen via scanning nanofocused x-ray diffraction
A Ricci, N Poccia, G Campi, B Joseph, G Arrighetti, L Barba, M Reynolds, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 060511, 2011
Anisotropy of superconductivity from single crystals
M Xu, H Kitazawa, Y Takano, J Ye, K Nishida, H Abe, A Matsushita, ...
Applied Physics Letters 79 (17), 2779-2781, 2001
New Member of BiS2-Based Superconductor NdO1-xFxBiS2
S Demura, Y Mizuguchi, K Deguchi, H Okazaki, H Hara, T Watanabe, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 (3), 033708, 2013
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in a -Wave High- Superconductor
K Inomata, S Sato, K Nakajima, A Tanaka, Y Takano, HB Wang, M Nagao, ...
Physical review letters 95 (10), 107005, 2005
Precise Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of FeSe: Resistivity and 77Se-NMR Study
S Masaki, H Kotegawa, Y Hara, H Tou, K Murata, Y Mizuguchi, Y Takano
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (6), 063704, 2009
Definitive Experimental Evidence for Two-Band Superconductivity in
S Tsuda, T Yokoya, Y Takano, H Kito, A Matsushita, F Yin, J Itoh, ...
Physical review letters 91 (12), 127001, 2003
Pressure Study of BiS2-Based Superconductors Bi4O4S3 and La(O,F)BiS2
H Kotegawa, Y Tomita, H Tou, H Izawa, Y Mizuguchi, O Miura, S Demura, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (10), 103702, 2012
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Articles 1–20