Gerard L. Vignoles
Gerard L. Vignoles
Professeur, Université Bordeaux, LCTS
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A Raman study to obtain crystallite size of carbon materials: a better alternative to the Tuinstra–Koenig law
P Mallet-Ladeira, P Puech, C Toulouse, M Cazayous, N Ratel-Ramond, ...
Carbon 80, 629-639, 2014
Pyrocarbon anisotropy as measured by electron diffraction and polarized light
X Bourrat, B Trouvat, G Limousin, G Vignoles, F Doux
Journal of Materials Research 15 (1), 92-101, 2000
Modelling of carbon–carbon composite ablation in rocket nozzles
GL Vignoles, Y Aspa, M Quintard
Composites Science and Technology 70 (9), 1303-1311, 2010
Analytical modeling of the steady state ablation of a 3D C/C composite
J Lachaud, Y Aspa, GL Vignoles
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (9-10), 2614-2627, 2008
Damage investigation and modeling of 3D woven ceramic matrix composites from X-ray tomography in-situ tensile tests
V Mazars, O Caty, G Couégnat, A Bouterf, S Roux, S Denneulin, J Pailhès, ...
Acta Materialia 140, 130-139, 2017
Ablation of carbon-based materials: Multiscale roughness modelling
GL Vignoles, J Lachaud, Y Aspa, JM Goyhénèche
Composites Science and Technology 69 (9), 1470-1477, 2009
CVD and CVI of pyrocarbon from various precursors
GL Vignoles, F Langlais, C Descamps, A Mouchon, H Le Poche, N Reuge, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 188, 241-249, 2004
Thermal design, optimization and additive manufacturing of ceramic regular structures to maximize the radiative heat transfer
M Pelanconi, M Barbato, S Zavattoni, GL Vignoles, A Ortona
Materials & Design 163, 107539, 2019
Structural features of pyrocarbon atomistic models constructed from transmission electron microscopy images
JM Leyssale, JP Da Costa, C Germain, P Weisbecker, GL Vignoles
Carbon 50 (12), 4388-4400, 2012
Modelling binary, Knudsen and transition regime diffusion inside complex porous media
GL Vignoles
Le Journal de Physique IV 5 (C5), C5-159-C5-166, 1995
A Brownian motion technique to simulate gasification and its application to C/C composite ablation
J Lachaud, GL Vignoles
Computational materials science 44 (4), 1034-1041, 2009
Adaptive estimation of normals and surface area for discrete 3-D objects: application to snow binary data from X-ray tomography
F Flin, JB Brzoska, D Coeurjolly, RA Pieritz, B Lesaffre, C Coléou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14 (5), 585-596, 2005
A theoretical/experimental approach to the intrinsic oxidation reactivities of C/C composites and of their components
J Lachaud, N Bertrand, GL Vignoles, G Bourget, F Rebillat, P Weisbecker
Carbon 45 (14), 2768-2776, 2007
Nanoscale structure and texture of highly anisotropic pyrocarbons revisited with transmission electron microscopy, image processing, neutron diffraction and atomistic modeling
B Farbos, P Weisbecker, HE Fischer, JP Da Costa, M Lalanne, G Chollon, ...
Carbon 80, 472-489, 2014
Low temperature pyrocarbons: a review
X Bourrat, F Langlais, G Chollon, GL Vignoles
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 17, 1090-1095, 2006
Ablation of carbon-based materials: Investigation of roughness set-up from heterogeneous reactions
G Duffa, GL Vignoles, JM Goyhénèche, Y Aspa
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (16), 3387-3401, 2005
Correlation between homogeneous propane pyrolysis and pyrocarbon deposition
C Descamps, GL Vignoles, O Féron, F Langlais
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 (10), C695, 2001
The film-boiling densification process for C/C composite fabrication: from local scale to overall optimization
GL Vignoles, JM Goyhénèche, P Sébastian, JR Puiggali, JF Lines, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 61 (17), 5636-5653, 2006
Image segmentation for phase-contrast hard X-ray CMT of C/C composites
GL Vignoles
Carbon 39 (2), 167-173, 2001
Formation of multiwall fullerenes from nanodiamonds studied by atomistic simulations
JH Los, N Pineau, G Chevrot, G Vignoles, JM Leyssale
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (15), 155420, 2009
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Articles 1–20