Pavlos N Theodorakis, MD, MSc, DipHPPF, PhD
Pavlos N Theodorakis, MD, MSc, DipHPPF, PhD
WHO, Regional Office for Europe
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Cited by
Prevalence and sociodemographic associations of common mental disorders in a nationally representative sample of the general population of Greece
P Skapinakis, S Bellos, S Koupidis, I Grammatikopoulos, PN Theodorakis, ...
BMC psychiatry 13, 1-14, 2013
The impact of economic austerity and prosperity events on suicide in Greece: a 30-year interrupted time-series analysis
CC Branas, AE Kastanaki, M Michalodimitrakis, J Tzougas, EF Kranioti, ...
BMJ open 5 (1), e005619, 2015
Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000–2011
KN Fountoulakis, W Kawohl, PN Theodorakis, AJFM Kerkhof, A Navickas, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 205 (6), 486-496, 2014
Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study
KN Fountoulakis, G Karakatsoulis, S Abraham, K Adorjan, HU Ahmed, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 54, 21-40, 2022
Health and the financial crisis in Greece
KN Fountoulakis, IA Grammatikopoulos, SA Koupidis, M Siamouli, ...
The Lancet 379 (9820), 1001-1002, 2012
Measuring health inequalities in Albania: a focus on the distribution of general practitioners
PN Theodorakis, GD Mantzavinis, L Rrumbullaku, C Lionis, E Trell
Human resources for health 4, 1-9, 2006
Self‐efficacy beliefs and levels of anxiety in advanced cancer patients
K Mystakidou, E Tsilika, E Parpa, P Gogou, P Theodorakis, L Vlahos
European journal of cancer care 19 (2), 205-211, 2010
Inequalities in the distribution of rural primary care physicians in two remote neighboring prefectures of Greece and Albania
PN Theodorakis, GD Mantzavinis
Rural and remote health 5 (3), 1-9, 2005
Suicide, recession, and unemployment
KN Fountoulakis, SA Koupidis, M Siamouli, IA Grammatikopoulos, ...
The Lancet 381 (9868), 721-722, 2013
Rate of suicide and suicide attempts and their relationship to unemployment in Thessaloniki Greece (2000–2012)
KN Fountoulakis, C Savopoulos, M Apostolopoulou, R Dampali, ...
Journal of affective disorders 174, 131-136, 2015
Self-efficacy and its relationship to posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in cancer patients
K Mystakidou, E Parpa, E Tsilika, I Panagiotou, PN Theodorakis, ...
Journal of Loss and Trauma 20 (2), 160-170, 2015
How primary health care can make universal health coverage a reality, ensure healthy lives, and promote wellbeing for all
H Kluge, E Kelley, S Barkley, PN Theodorakis, N Yamamoto, A Tsoy, ...
The Lancet 392 (10156), 1372-1374, 2018
Possible delayed effect of unemployment on suicidal rates: the case of Hungary
KN Fountoulakis, X Gonda, P Dome, PN Theodorakis, Z Rihmer
Annals of General Psychiatry 13, 1-6, 2014
The effect of different degrees of lockdown and self-identified gender on anxiety, depression and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the international COMET-G …
KN Fountoulakis, GN Karakatsoulis, S Abraham, K Adorjan, HU Ahmed, ...
Psychiatry research 315, 114702, 2022
After Astana: building the economic case for increased investment in primary health care
H Kluge, E Kelley, S Swaminathan, N Yamamoto, S Fisseha, ...
The Lancet 392 (10160), 2147-2152, 2018
Economic crisis-related increased suicidality in Greece and Italy: a premature overinterpretation
KN Fountoulakis, M Siamouli, IA Grammatikopoulos, SA Koupidis, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 67 (4), 379-380, 2013
Are health education meetings effective in recruiting women in cervical screening programmes?: An innovative and inexpensive intervention from the Island of Crete
V Vivilaki, A Romanidou, PN Theodorakis, C Lionis
Rural and remote health 5 (2), 1-8, 2005
First reliable data suggest a possible increase in suicides in Greece
KN Fountoulakis, SA Koupidis, IA Grammatikopoulos, PN Theodorakis
BMJ 347, 2013
Geographical inequalities in the distribution of general practitioners in Sweden
G Mantzavinis, PN Theodorakis, C Lionis, E Trell
Lakartidningen 100 (51-52), 4294-4297, 2003
Identifying intimate partner violence (IPV) during the postpartum period in a Greek sample
VG Vivilaki, V Dafermos, M Daglas, E Antoniou, ND Tsopelas, ...
Archives of women's mental health 13, 467-476, 2010
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