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Cited by
Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex
AG Huth, WA De Heer, TL Griffiths, FE Theunissen, JL Gallant
Nature 532 (7600), 453-458, 2016
Identifying natural images from human brain activity
KN Kay, T Naselaris, RJ Prenger, JL Gallant
Nature 452 (7185), 352-355, 2008
Sparse coding and decorrelation in primary visual cortex during natural vision
WE Vinje, JL Gallant
Science 287 (5456), 1273-1276, 2000
Reconstructing visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies
S Nishimoto, AT Vu, T Naselaris, Y Benjamini, B Yu, JL Gallant
Current biology 21 (19), 1641-1646, 2011
A continuous semantic space describes the representation of thousands of object and action categories across the human brain
AG Huth, S Nishimoto, AT Vu, JL Gallant
Neuron 76 (6), 1210-1224, 2012
Encoding and decoding in fMRI
T Naselaris, KN Kay, S Nishimoto, JL Gallant
Neuroimage 56 (2), 400-410, 2011
Do we know what the early visual system does?
M Carandini, JB Demb, V Mante, DJ Tolhurst, Y Dan, BA Olshausen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (46), 10577-10597, 2005
Selectivity for polar, hyperbolic, and Cartesian gratings in macaque visual cortex
JL Gallant, J Braun, DC Van Essen
Science 259 (5091), 100-103, 1993
Bayesian reconstruction of natural images from human brain activity
T Naselaris, RJ Prenger, KN Kay, M Oliver, JL Gallant
Neuron 63 (6), 902-915, 2009
Neural responses to polar, hyperbolic, and Cartesian gratings in area V4 of the macaque monkey
JL Gallant, CE Connor, S Rakshit, JW Lewis, DC Van Essen
Journal of neurophysiology 76 (4), 2718-2739, 1996
Neural mechanisms of form and motion processing in the primate visual system
DC Van Essen, JL Gallant
Neuron 13 (1), 1-10, 1994
Four ethical priorities for neurotechnologies and AI
R Yuste, S Goering, BA Arcas, G Bi, JM Carmena, A Carter, JJ Fins, ...
Nature 551 (7679), 159-163, 2017
Spatial attention effects in macaque area V4
CE Connor, DC Preddie, JL Gallant, DC Van Essen
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (9), 3201-3214, 1997
Estimating spatio-temporalreceptive fields of auditory and visual neurons from theirresponses to natural stimuli
FE Theunissen, SV David, NC Singh, A Hsu, WE Vinje, JL Gallant
Network: Computation in Neural Systems 12 (3), 289, 2001
Toward a unified theory of visual area V4
AW Roe, L Chelazzi, CE Connor, BR Conway, I Fujita, JL Gallant, H Lu, ...
Neuron 74 (1), 12-29, 2012
Attention during natural vision warps semantic representation across the human brain
T Çukur, S Nishimoto, AG Huth, JL Gallant
Nature neuroscience 16 (6), 763-770, 2013
Natural stimulus statistics alter the receptive field structure of v1 neurons
SV David, WE Vinje, JL Gallant
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (31), 6991-7006, 2004
Complete functional characterization of sensory neurons by system identification
MCK Wu, SV David, JL Gallant
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 29 (1), 477-505, 2006
Response modulation by texture surround in primate area V1: correlates of “popout” under anesthesia
HC Nothdurft, JL Gallant, DC Van Essen
Visual neuroscience 16 (1), 15-34, 1999
A voxel-wise encoding model for early visual areas decodes mental images of remembered scenes
T Naselaris, CA Olman, DE Stansbury, K Ugurbil, JL Gallant
Neuroimage 105, 215-228, 2015
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Articles 1–20