Dan R. Ghica
Dan R. Ghica
Professor of Semantics of Programming Languages, University of Birmingham
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Geometry of synthesis: a structured approach to VLSI design
DR Ghica
POPL '07 Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on …, 2007
Bounded linear types in a resource semiring
DR Ghica, AI Smith
Programming Languages and Systems: 23rd European Symposium on Programming …, 2014
Nominal games and full abstraction for the nu-calculus
S Abramsky, DR Ghica, AS Murawski, CHL Ong, IDB Stark
Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science …, 2004
Applying game semantics to compositional software modeling and verification
S Abramsky, DR Ghica, AS Murawski, CHL Ong
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2004
Reasoning about Idealized Algol using regular languages
DR Ghica, G McCusker
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 103-115, 2000
The regular-language semantics of second-order idealized ALGOL
DR Ghica, G McCusker
Theoretical Computer Science 309 (1), 469-502, 2003
Angelic semantics of fine-grained concurrency
DR Ghica, AS Murawski
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation …, 2004
Angelic semantics of fine-grained concurrency
DR Ghica, AS Murawski
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 151 (2-3), 89-114, 2008
Recognition of traffic signs by artificial neural network
D Ghica, SW Lu, X Yuan
Proceedings of ICNN'95-International Conference on Neural Networks 3, 1444-1449, 1995
Syntactic control of concurrency
DR Ghica, AS Murawski, CHL Ong
Theoretical Computer Science 350 (2-3), 234-251, 2006
Geometry of synthesis IV: compiling affine recursion into static hardware
DR Ghica, A Smith, S Singh
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional …, 2011
A system-level game semantics
DR Ghica, N Tzevelekos
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 286, 191-211, 2012
Geometry of synthesis III: resource management through type inference
DR Ghica, A Smith
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 46 (1), 345-356, 2011
Data-abstraction refinement: a game semantic approach
A Bakewell, A Dimovski, DR Ghica, R Lazić
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) 12 (5 …, 2010
Applications of game semantics: From program analysis to hardware synthesis
DR Ghica
2009 24th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science, 17-26, 2009
Slot games: A quantitative model of computation
DR Ghica
POPL '05 Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles …, 2005
The dynamic geometry of interaction machine: A token-guided graph rewriter
K Muroya, DR Ghica
Logical Methods in Computer Science 15, 2019
Compositional model extraction for higher-order concurrent programs
DR Ghica, AS Murawski
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2006
Geometry of Synthesis II: From games to delay-insensitive circuits
DR Ghica, A Smith
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 265, 301-324, 2010
Diagrammatic semantics for digital circuits
DR Ghica, A Jung, A Lopez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10247, 2017
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Articles 1–20