Saša Bogdan
Saša Bogdan
Full Professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry
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Cited by
Genetic variation in growth traits in a Quercus robur L. open-pollinated progeny test of the Slavonian provenance
S Bogdan, I Katičić-Trupčević, D Kajba
Silvae Genetica 53 (1-6), 198-201, 2004
Phenotypic trait variation measured on European genetic trials of Fagus sylvatica L
TM Robson, MB Garzón
Scientific Data 5 (1), 1-7, 2018
Multiple criteria decision making in forestry–methods and experiences
M Šporčić, M Landekić, M Lovrić, S Bogdan, K Šegotić
Šumarski list 134 (5-6), 275-284, 2010
Drought Impact on Leaf Phenology and Spring Frost Susceptibility in a Quercus robur L. Provenance Trial
I Čehulić, K Sever, I Katičić Bogdan, A Jazbec, Ž Škvorc, S Bogdan
Forests 10 (1), 50, 2019
Varijabilnost visinskog rasta obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) u testovima provenijencija u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji
M Ivanković, S Bogdan, G Božič
Šumarski list 132 (11-12), 529-541, 2008
The differences among hairy and typical European black poplars and the possible role of the hairy type in relation to climatic changes
D Kajba, D Ballian, M Idžojtić, S Bogdan
Forest ecology and management 197 (1-3), 279-284, 2004
Phenological Asynchronization as a Restrictive Factor of Efficient Pollination in Clonal Seed Orchads of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.)
J Franjić, K Sever, S Bogdan, Ž Škvorc, D Krstonošić, I Alešković
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2011
Kvantitativna genetska varijabilnost provenijencija obične bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) iz jugoistočne Europe
M Ivanković, M Popović, I Katičić, G Wuehlisch, S Bogdan
Šumarski list 135 (13), 25-36, 2011
Estimation of genetic gain in progeny trial of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)
M Vidaković, D Kajba, S Bogdan, V Podnar, J Bećarević
Glasnik za šumske pokuse: Annales Experimentis Silvarum Culturae Provehendis …, 2000
Pomotechnical treatments in the broadleave clonal seed orchards
D Kajba, N Pavičić, S Bogdan, I Katičić
Seed orchards, 95, 2008
Provenance by site interaction and stability analysis of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances grown in common garden experiments
S Stojnić, S Orlović, D Ballian, M Ivankovic, M Šijačić-Nikolić, A Pilipović, ...
Silvae genetica 64 (1-6), 133-147, 2015
Public attitudes towards the use of transgenic forest trees: a cross-country pilot survey
V Kazana, L Tsourgiannis, V Iakovoglou, C Stamatiou, A Alexandrov, ...
IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (2), 344, 2015
Use of a common garden experiment in selecting adapted beech provenances for artificial stand restoration
S Bogunović, S Bogdan, M Lanšćak, N Ćelepirović, M Ivanković
South-east European forestry: SEEFOR 11 (1), 1-10, 2020
Seed yield and morphological variations of beechnuts in four European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations in Croatia
A Gavranović, S Bogdan, M Lanšćak, I Čehulić, M Ivanković
South-east European forestry: SEEFOR 9 (1), 17-27, 2018
Candidate gene SNP variation in floodplain populations of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) near the species' southern range margin: Weak differentiation yet …
M Temunović, P Garnier‐Géré, M Morić, J Franjić, M Ivanković, S Bogdan, ...
Molecular ecology 29 (13), 2359-2378, 2020
Adaptive genetic variability and differentiation of Croatian and Austrian Quercus robur L. populations at a drought prone field trial
S Bogdan, M Ivanković, M Temunović, M Morić, J Franjić, IK Bogdan
Annals of Forest Research 60 (1), 33-46, 2017
Fenološka neujednačenost kao ograničavajući čimbenik uspješnoga oprašivanja u klonskim sjemenskim plantažama hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.)
J Franjić, K Sever, S Bogdan, Ž Škvorc, D Krstonošić, I Alešković
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2011
Očuvanje genofonda šumskih vrsta drveća u Hrvatskoj
D Kajba, J Gračan, M Ivanković, S Bogdan, M Gradečki-Poštenjak, ...
Glasnik za šumske pokuse 5, 235-249, 2006
Early results from provenance trials with European beech established 2007
G Von Wuehlisch, D Ballian, S Bogdan, M Forstreuter, R Giannini, B Götz, ...
COST E52" Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry …, 2010
Acorn morphometric traits and seedling heights variation of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) from the seed stands in Croatia
M Ivanković, M Popović, S Bogdan
Šumarski list 135 (13), 46-57, 2011
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Articles 1–20