Chuan Pham
Chuan Pham
Synchromedia Laboratory, ETS
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Cited by
Traffic-aware and energy-efficient vNF placement for service chaining: Joint sampling and matching approach
C Pham, NH Tran, S Ren, W Saad, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (1), 172-185, 2017
A proximal algorithm for joint resource allocation and minimizing carbon footprint in geo-distributed fog computing
CT Do, NH Tran, C Pham, MGR Alam, JH Son, CS Hong
2015 international conference on information networking (ICOIN), 324-329, 2015
An efficient time slot acquisition on the hybrid TDMA/CSMA multichannel MAC in VANETs
VD Nguyen, TZ Oo, P Chuan, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (5), 970-973, 2016
Optimization of inventory management to prevent drug shortages in the hospital supply chain
T Abu Zwaida, C Pham, Y Beauregard
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2726, 2021
Parking assignment: Minimizing parking expenses and balancing parking demand among multiple parking lots
OTT Kim, NH Tran, C Pham, T LeAnh, MT Thai, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 17 (3), 1320-1331, 2019
A survey on adaptive multi-channel MAC protocols in VANETs using Markov models
V Nguyen, OTT Kim, C Pham, TZ Oo, NH Tran, CS Hong, EN Huh
IEEE Access 6, 16493-16514, 2018
Phishing-aware: A neuro-fuzzy approach for anti-phishing on fog networks
C Pham, LAT Nguyen, NH Tran, EN Huh, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (3), 1076-1089, 2018
Spectrum handoff model based on hidden markov model in cognitive radio networks
C Pham, NH Tran, CT Do, SI Moon, CS Hong
The International Conference on Information Networking 2014 (ICOIN2014), 406-411, 2014
Placement and chaining for run-time IoT service deployment in edge-cloud
DT Nguyen, C Pham, KK Nguyen, M Cheriet
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (1), 459-472, 2019
Virtual network function scheduling: A matching game approach
C Pham, NH Tran, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (1), 69-72, 2017
SDN controller placement in IoT networks: An optimized submodularity-based approach
AK Tran, MJ Piran, C Pham
Sensors 19 (24), 5474, 2019
MAC protocols with dynamic interval schemes for VANETs
VD Nguyen, C Pham, TZ Oo, NH Tran, EN Huh, CS Hong
Vehicular Communications 15, 40-62, 2019
OaaS: offload as a service in fog networks
DH Tran, NH Tran, C Pham, SMA Kazmi, EN Huh, CS Hong
Computing 99, 1081-1104, 2017
Incentivizing energy reduction for emergency demand response in multi-tenant mixed-use buildings
NH Tran, C Pham, MNH Nguyen, S Ren, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3701-3715, 2016
Efficient forwarding and popularity based caching for content centric network
K Thar, TZ Oo, C Pham, S Ullah, DH Lee, CS Hong
2015 international conference on information networking (ICOIN), 330-335, 2015
Optimized IoT service chain implementation in edge cloud platform: a deep learning framework
C Pham, DT Nguyen, NH Tran, KK Nguyen, M Cheriet
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (1), 538-551, 2021
When RAN intelligent controller in O-RAN meets multi-UAV enable wireless network
C Pham, F Fami, KK Nguyen, M Cheriet
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (3), 2245-2259, 2022
Service and resource aware flow management scheme for an SDN-based smart digital campus environment
Y Njah, C Pham, M Cheriet
IEEE Access 8, 119635-119653, 2020
Fair sharing of backup power supply in multi-operator wireless cellular towers
MNH Nguyen, NH Tran, MA Islam, C Pham, S Ren, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (3), 2080-2093, 2018
Joint consolidation and service-aware load balancing for datacenters
C Pham, NH Tran, CT Do, EN Huh, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (2), 292-295, 2015
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Articles 1–20