Soheil Saraji
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Cited by
Wettability of supercritical carbon dioxide/water/quartz systems: Simultaneous measurement of contact angle and interfacial tension at reservoir conditions
S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri, H Plancher
Langmuir 29 (23), 6856-6866, 2013
A review on capillary condensation in nanoporous media: Implications for hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs
E Barsotti, SP Tan, S Saraji, M Piri, JH Chen
Fuel 184, 344-361, 2016
Dynamic interfacial tension and wettability of shale in the presence of surfactants at reservoir conditions
V Mirchi, S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri
Fuel 148, 127-138, 2015
The effects of SO2 contamination, brine salinity, pressure, and temperature on dynamic contact angles and interfacial tension of supercritical CO2/brine/quartz systems
S Saraji, M Piri, L Goual
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 28, 147-155, 2014
A systematic experimental investigation on the synergistic effects of aqueous nanofluids on interfacial properties and their implications for enhanced oil recovery
W Kuang, S Saraji, M Piri
Fuel 220, 849-870, 2018
The representative sample size in shale oil rocks and nano-scale characterization of transport properties
S Saraji, M Piri
International Journal of Coal Geology 146, 42-54, 2015
Nano-scale experimental investigation of in-situ wettability and spontaneous imbibition in ultra-tight reservoir rocks
M Akbarabadi, S Saraji, M Piri, D Georgi, M Delshad
Advances in Water Resources 107, 160-179, 2017
CO2 injection strategies for enhanced oil recovery and geological sequestration in a tight reservoir: An experimental study
D Li, S Saraji, Z Jiao, Y Zhang
Fuel 284, 119013, 2021
Adsorption of asphaltenes in porous media under flow conditions
S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri
Energy & fuels 24 (11), 6009-6017, 2010
Dynamic adsorption of asphaltenes on quartz and calcite packs in the presence of brine films
S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 434, 260-267, 2013
Capillary Condensation of Binary and Ternary Mixtures of n-Pentane–Isopentane–CO2 in Nanopores: An Experimental Study on the Effects of Composition and …
E Barsotti, S Saraji, SP Tan, M Piri
Langmuir 34 (5), 1967-1980, 2018
Dynamic interfacial tensions and contact angles of surfactant-in-brine/oil/shale systems: implications to enhanced oil recovery in shale oil reservoirs
V Mirchi, S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-169171-MS, 2014
Cluster of asphaltene nanoaggregates by DC conductivity and centrifugation
L Goual, M Sedghi, F Mostowfi, R McFarlane, AE Pomerantz, S Saraji, ...
Energy & Fuels 28 (8), 5002-5013, 2014
A systematic study on the impact of surfactant chain length on dynamic interfacial properties in porous media: implications for enhanced oil recovery
V Mirchi, S Saraji, M Akbarabadi, L Goual, M Piri
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (46), 13677-13695, 2017
Salt precipitation during geological sequestration of supercritical CO2 in saline aquifers: A pore-scale experimental investigation
D Akindipe, S Saraji, M Piri
Advances in Water Resources 155, 104011, 2021
An experimental study of in-situ foam rheology: effect of stabilizing and destabilizing agents
Y Yu, ZA Soukup, S Saraji
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 578, 123548, 2019
Surfactant viscoelasticity as a key parameter to improve supercritical CO2 foam stability/foamability and performance in porous media
Y Yu, BF García, S Saraji
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 282, 104311, 2020
A new insight into the dependence of relaxation time on frequency in viscoelastic surfactant solutions: From experimental to modeling study
BF García, S Saraji
Journal of colloid and interface science 517, 265-277, 2018
Experimental investigation of surfactant flooding in shale oil reservoirs: Dynamic interfacial tension, adsorption, and wettability
V Mirchi*, S Saraji, L Goual, M Piri
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 25-27 …, 2014
Supercritical CO2 Foam Stabilized by a Viscoelastic Surfactant in Fractured Porous Media: The Effect of Fracture Surface Roughness
Y Yu, S Saraji
Energy & Fuels 35 (12), 10051-10061, 2021
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Articles 1–20