VanDung Nguyen
VanDung Nguyen
Kyung Hee University; Hung Vuong University of HCM city
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Cited by
Smart agriculture using IoT multi-sensors: a novel watering management system
TA Khoa, MM Man, TY Nguyen, VD Nguyen, NH Nam
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 8 (3), 45, 2019
HER-MAC: A hybrid efficient and reliable MAC for vehicular ad hoc networks
DNM Dang, HN Dang, V Nguyen, Z Htike, CS Hong
2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2014
An efficient time slot acquisition on the hybrid TDMA/CSMA multichannel MAC in VANETs
VD Nguyen, TZ Oo, P Chuan, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (5), 970-973, 2016
Joint node selection and resource allocation for task offloading in scalable vehicle-assisted multi-access edge computing
XQ Pham, TD Nguyen, VD Nguyen, EN Huh
Symmetry 11 (1), 58, 2019
A survey on adaptive multi-channel MAC protocols in VANETs using Markov models
V Nguyen, OTT Kim, C Pham, TZ Oo, NH Tran, CS Hong, EN Huh
IEEE Access 6, 16493-16514, 2018
Modeling data redundancy and cost-aware task allocation in MEC-enabled Internet-of-Vehicles applications
TDT Nguyen, VD Nguyen, VN Pham, LNT Huynh, MD Hossain, EN Huh
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (3), 1687-1701, 2020
Wi-Fi indoor positioning and navigation: a cloudlet-based cloud computing approach
TT Khanh, VD Nguyen, XQ Pham, EN Huh
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 10 (1), 32, 2020
Joint service caching and task offloading in multi-access edge computing: A QoE-based utility optimization approach
XQ Pham, TD Nguyen, V Nguyen, EN Huh
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (3), 965-969, 2020
An efficient and fast broadcast frame adjustment algorithm in VANET
VD Nguyen, TZ Oo, NH Tran, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (7), 1589-1592, 2016
An efficient and reliable green light optimal speed advisory system for autonomous cars
VD Nguyen, OTT Kim, TN Dang, SI Moon, CS Hong
2016 18th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS), 1-4, 2016
Cooperative between V2C and V2V charging: Less range anxiety and more charged EVs
OTT Kim, NH Tran, VD Nguyen, SM Kang, CS Hong
2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 679-683, 2018
An efficient multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks
DNM Dang, VD Nguyen, HT Le, CS Hong, J Choe
Ad Hoc Networks 44, 46-57, 2016
Distributed auction-based incentive mechanism for energy trading between electric vehicles and mobile charging stations
OTT Kim, THT Le, MJ Shin, V Nguyen, Z Han, CS Hong
IEEE Access 10, 56331-56347, 2022
A cooperative and reliable RSU-assisted IEEE 802.11 p-based multi-channel MAC protocol for VANETs
V Nguyen, TT Khanh, TZ Oo, NH Tran, EN Huh, CS Hong
IEEE Access 7, 107576-107590, 2019
MAC protocols with dynamic interval schemes for VANETs
VD Nguyen, C Pham, TZ Oo, NH Tran, EN Huh, CS Hong
Vehicular Communications 15, 40-62, 2019
Fuzzy based collaborative task offloading scheme in the densely deployed small-cell networks with multi-access edge computing
MD Hossain, T Sultana, VD Nguyen, W Rahman, TDT Nguyen, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3115, 2020
Application of the lowest-ID algorithm in cluster-based TDMA system for VANETs
VD Nguyen, OTT Kim, DNM Dang, SS Kim, CS Hong
2015 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 25-30, 2015
Joint offloading and IEEE 802.11 p-based contention control in vehicular edge computing
VD Nguyen, TT Khanh, NH Tran, EN Huh, CS Hong
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 9 (7), 1014-1018, 2020
Improving time slot acquisition through RSU's coordination for TDMA-based MAC protocol in VANETs
VD Nguyen, TKO Tran, TN Dang, CS Hong
2016 international conference on information networking (ICOIN), 406-411, 2016
Cost-effective resource sharing in an internet of vehicles-employed mobile edge computing environment
TDT Nguyen, TD Nguyen, VD Nguyen, XQ Pham, EN Huh
Symmetry 10 (11), 594, 2018
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Articles 1–20