Gervásio Annes Degrazia
Gervásio Annes Degrazia
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Turbulence parameterisation for PBL dispersion models in all stability conditions
GA Degrazia, D Anfossi, JC Carvalho, C Mangia, T Tirabassi, HFC Velho
Atmospheric environment 34 (21), 3575-3583, 2000
An analysis of sonic anemometer observations in low wind speed conditions
D Anfossi, D Öttl, G Degrazia, A Goulart
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 114, 179-203, 2005
Nonlocal exchange coefficients for the convective boundary layer derived from spectral properties
GA Degrazia, HF Campos Velho, JC Carvalho
Contributions to Atmospheric Physics 70, 1997
Derivation of an eddy diffusivity depending on source distance for vertically inhomogeneous turbulence in a convective boundary layer
GA Degrazia, DM Moreira, MT Vilhena
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 40 (7), 1233-1240, 2001
Is friction velocity the most appropriate scale for correcting nocturnal carbon dioxide fluxes?
OC Acevedo, OLL Moraes, GA Degrazia, DR Fitzjarrald, AO Manzi, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 149 (1), 1-10, 2009
A model for eddy diffusivity in a stable boundary layer
GA Degrazia, OLL Moraes
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 58 (3), 205-214, 1992
Contrasting structures between the decoupled and coupled states of the stable boundary layer
OC Acevedo, L Mahrt, FS Puhales, FD Costa, LE Medeiros, GA Degrazia
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (695), 693-702, 2016
Estimation of the Kolmogorov constant C0 from classical statistical diffusion theory
G Degrazia, D Anfossi
Atmospheric Environment 32 (20), 3611-3614, 1998
Intermittency and the exchange of scalars in the nocturnal surface layer
OC Acevedo, OLL Moraes, GA Degrazia, LE Medeiros
Boundary-layer meteorology 119, 41-55, 2006
Surface layer turbulence parameters over a complex terrain
OLL Moraes, OC Acevedo, GA Degrazia, D Anfossi, R da Silva, V Anabor
Atmospheric Environment 39 (17), 3103-3112, 2005
An analytical air pollution model: development and evaluation
DM Moreira, U Rizza, GA Degrazia, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Contributions to atmospheric physics 71, 1998
The influence of submeso processes on stable boundary layer similarity relationships
OC Acevedo, FD Costa, PES Oliveira, FS Puhales, GA Degrazia, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71 (1), 207-225, 2014
Tracer dispersion simulation in low wind speed conditions with a new 2D Langevin equation system
D Anfossi, S Alessandrini, ST Castelli, E Ferrero, D Oettl, G Degrazia
Atmospheric Environment 40 (37), 7234-7245, 2006
Evaluation of a new eddy diffusivity parameterisation from turbulent Eulerian spectra in different stability conditions
C Mangia, DM Moreira, I Schipa, GA Degrazia, T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Atmospheric Environment 36 (1), 67-76, 2002
A new hypothesis on meandering atmospheric flows in low wind speed conditions
D Öttl, A Goulart, G Degrazia, D Anfossi
Atmospheric Environment 39 (9), 1739-1748, 2005
A theoretical model for the study of convective turbulence decay and comparison with large-eddy simulation data
A Goulart, G Degrazia, U Rizza, D Anfossi
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 107, 143-155, 2003
Application of a model system for the study of transport and diffusion in complex terrain to the TRACT experiment
JC Carvalho, D Anfossi, ST Castelli, GA Degrazia
Atmospheric Environment 36 (7), 1147-1161, 2002
A simplified model for intermittent turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer
FD Costa, OC Acevedo, JCM Mombach, GA Degrazia
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (8), 1714-1729, 2011
Validation of a new turbulent parameterization for dispersion models in convective conditions
GA Degrazia, U Rizza, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 85, 243-254, 1997
Characterization of wind meandering in low-wind-speed conditions
L Mortarini, M Stefanello, G Degrazia, D Roberti, S Trini Castelli, ...
Boundary-layer meteorology 161, 165-182, 2016
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Articles 1–20