Aman Uddin
Aman Uddin
Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
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Highly active atomically dispersed CoN 4 fuel cell cathode catalysts derived from surfactant-assisted MOFs: carbon-shell confinement strategy
Y He, S Hwang, DA Cullen, MA Uddin, L Langhorst, B Li, S Karakalos, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (1), 250-260, 2019
High power density platinum group metal-free cathodes for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
A Uddin, L Dunsmore, H Zhang, L Hu, G Wu, S Litster
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (2), 2216-2224, 2019
Effect of cationic contaminants on polymer electrolyte fuel cell performance
J Qi, X Wang, MO Ozdemir, MA Uddin, L Bonville, U Pasaogullari, ...
Journal of Power Sources 286, 18-24, 2015
Ca2+ as an air impurity in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
X Wang, J Qi, O Ozdemir, A Uddin, U Pasaogullari, LJ Bonville, T Molter
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (10), F1006, 2014
Effect of chloride on PEFCs in presence of various cations
MA Uddin, X Wang, J Qi, MO Ozdemir, U Pasaogullari, L Bonville, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (4), F373, 2015
Thinning of cathode catalyst layer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells due to foreign cation contamination
CJ Banas, MA Uddin, J Park, LJ Bonville, U Pasaogullari
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165 (6), F3015, 2018
Computational modeling of foreign cation contamination in PEFCs
MA Uddin, U Pasaogullari
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (10), F1081, 2014
Distributed cation contamination from cathode to anode direction in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
MA Uddin, J Qi, X Wang, U Pasaogullari, L Bonville
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (38), 13099-13105, 2015
Electrochemical validation of in-cell chromium getters to mitigate chromium poisoning in SOFC stack
MA Uddin, A Aphale, B Hu, SJ Heo, U Pasaogullari, P Singh
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (13), F1342, 2017
Effect of hydrophobicity of gas diffusion layer in calcium cation contamination in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
MA Uddin, J Park, L Bonville, U Pasaogullari
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (33), 14909-14916, 2016
Distributed effects of calcium ion contaminant on polymer electrolyte fuel cell performance
MA Uddin, X Wang, J Park, U Pasaogullari, L Bonville
Journal of Power Sources 296, 64-69, 2015
Evaluation of cathode contamination with Ca2+ in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
J Qi, J Ge, MA Uddin, Y Zhai, U Pasaogullari, J St-Pierre
Electrochimica Acta 259, 510-516, 2018
Harnessing raindrop energy in bangladesh
MARS PV Biswas, MA Uddin, MA Islam
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2009
Role of exposure atmospheres on particle coarsening and phase transformation of LiAlO2
SJ Heo, B Hu, MA Uddin, A Aphale, A Hilmi, CY Yuh, A Surendranath, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (8), H5086, 2017
Synthesis and stability of SrxNiyOz chromium getter for solid oxide fuel cells
A Aphale, MA Uddin, B Hu, SJ Heo, J Hong, P Singh
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (9), F635, 2018
Non-planar platinum group metal-free fuel cell cathodes for enhanced oxygen transport and water rejection
L Dunsmore, A Uddin, H Zhang, G Wu, S Litster
Journal of Power Sources 506, 230188, 2021
Effects of chloride contamination on PEFCs
MA Uddin, X Wang, J Qi, MO Ozdemir, LJ Bonville, U Pasaogullari, ...
ECS Transactions 58 (1), 543, 2013
Elucidation of Performance Recovery for Fe‐Based Catalyst Cathodes in Fuel Cells
DE Beltrán, A Uddin, X Xu, L Dunsmore, S Ding, H Xu, H Zhang, S Liu, ...
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 2 (12), 2100123, 2021
Design and optimization of chromium getter for SOFC systems through computational modeling
MA Uddin, CJ Banas, C Liang, U Pasaogullari, KP Recknagle, ...
ECS Transactions 78 (1), 1063, 2017
Effects on wetting agents in cationic contamination and mitigation in PEFCs
J Park, MA Uddin, S Ganesan, U Pasaogullari, LJ Bonville, T Molter
ECS Transactions 66 (24), 91, 2015
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Articles 1–20