Gesche Westphal-Fitch
Gesche Westphal-Fitch
University of Vienna
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Visual artificial grammar learning: comparative research on humans, kea (Nestor notabilis) and pigeons (Columba livia)
N Stobbe, G Westphal-Fitch, U Aust, WT Fitch
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Production and perception rules underlying visual patterns: effects of symmetry and hierarchy
G Westphal-Fitch, L Huber, JC Gomez, WT Fitch
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
More than one way to see it: Individual heuristics in avian visual computation
A Ravignani, G Westphal-Fitch, U Aust, MM Schlumpp, WT Fitch
Cognition 143, 13-24, 2015
Bioaesthetics: The evolution of aesthetic cognition in humans and other animals
G Westphal-Fitch, WT Fitch
Progress in Brain Research 237, 3-24, 2018
Studying aesthetics with the method of production: Effects of context and local symmetry.
G Westphal-Fitch, J Oh, W Fitch
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 7 (1), 13, 2013
Changes in frequency as a measure of language change
GW Fitch
Studies on German-language islands, 371-384, 2011
Seeking (dis) order: Ordering appeals but slight disorder and complex order trigger interest.
C Muth, G Westphal-Fitch, CC Carbon
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (3), 439, 2021
Spatial analysis of “crazy quilts”, a class of potentially random aesthetic artefacts
G Westphal-Fitch, WT Fitch
PloS one 8 (9), e74055, 2013
Artificial grammar learning capabilities in an abstract visual task match requirements for linguistic syntax
G Westphal-Fitch, B Giustolisi, C Cecchetto, JS Martin, WT Fitch
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1210, 2018
Beauty for the eye of the beholder: Plane pattern perception and production.
G Westphal-Fitch, W Fitch
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (4), 451, 2017
Towards a comparative approach to empirical aesthetics.
G Westphal-Fitch, W Fitch
Oxford University Press, 2015
Fechner revisited: Towards an inclusive approach to aesthetics
WT Fitch, G Westphal-Fitch
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2), 140, 2013
Language Evolution: Critical Concepts in Linguistics
WT Fitch, GW Fitch
Routledge, 2012
Revisiting Fechner's methods
G Westphal-Fitch
The Oxford handbook of empirical aesthetics, 1-16, 2019
Seven-month-old infants detect symmetrical structures in multi-featured abstract visual patterns
I de la Cruz-Pavía, G Westphal-Fitch, WT Fitch, J Gervain
Plos one 17 (5), e0266938, 2022
The evolution of speech
W Fitch, GW Fitch
(No Title), 0
Performance of Deaf Participants in an Abstract Visual Grammar Learning Task at Multiple Formal Levels: Evaluating the Auditory Scaffolding Hypothesis
B Giustolisi, JS Martin, G Westphal‐Fitch, WT Fitch, C Cecchetto
Cognitive Science 46 (2), e13114, 2022
Sequential Pattern Learning in Budgerigars, Pigeons, and Humans
F Haiduk, G Westphal-Fitch
MEi: CogSci Conference 2016, Vienna, 2016
The evolution of art, aesthetics, and the brain
G Westphal-Fitch, WT Fitch, CJ Cela-Conde, FJ Ayala
Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain, 383, 2015
Towards a comparative approach to empirical aesthetics
GW Fitch, WT Fitch
Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain, 2015
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