Vladimir Dmitriev
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Cited by
A new multipurpose diffractometer PILATUS@ SNBL
V Dyadkin, P Pattison, V Dmitriev, D Chernyshov
Journal of synchrotron radiation 23 (3), 825-829, 2016
Reconstructive phase transitions: in crystals and quasicrystals
V Dmitriev
World Scientific, 1996
Superhard nanocomposite of dense polymorphs of boron nitride: Noncarbon material has reached diamond hardness
N Dubrovinskaia, VL Solozhenko, N Miyajima, V Dmitriev, OO Kurakevych, ...
Applied Physics Letters 90 (10), 2007
Giant negative linear compressibility in zinc dicyanoaurate
AB Cairns, J Catafesta, C Levelut, J Rouquette, A van Der Lee, L Peters, ...
Nature materials 12 (3), 212-216, 2013
Experimental and theoretical identification of a new high-pressure TiO 2 polymorph
NA Dubrovinskaia, LS Dubrovinsky, R Ahuja, VB Prokopenko, V Dmitriev, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (27), 275501, 2001
Porous and dense magnesium borohydride frameworks: synthesis, stability, and reversible absorption of guest species
Y Filinchuk, B Richter, TR Jensen, V Dmitriev, D Chernyshov, ...
Angewandte Chemie 123 (47), 11358-11362, 2011
Large breathing of the MOF MIL-47 (V IV) under mechanical pressure: a joint experimental–modelling exploration
PG Yot, Q Ma, J Haines, Q Yang, A Ghoufi, T Devic, C Serre, V Dmitriev, ...
Chemical Science 3 (4), 1100-1104, 2012
Superhard semiconducting optically transparent high pressure phase of boron
EY Zarechnaya, L Dubrovinsky, N Dubrovinskaia, Y Filinchuk, ...
Physical review letters 102 (18), 185501, 2009
Theory of the martensitic transformation in cobalt
P Tolédano, G Krexner, M Prem, HP Weber, VP Dmitriev
Physical Review B 64 (14), 144104, 2001
Crystal Handedness and Spin Helix Chirality in
SV Grigoriev, D Chernyshov, VA Dyadkin, V Dmitriev, SV Maleyev, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (3), 037204, 2009
Chiral Properties of Structure and Magnetism in Compounds: <?format ?>When the Left and the Right are Fighting, Who Wins?
SV Grigoriev, NM Potapova, SA Siegfried, VA Dyadkin, EV Moskvin, ...
Physical review letters 110 (20), 207201, 2013
Colossal Pressure‐Induced Lattice Expansion of Graphite Oxide in the Presence of Water
AV Talyzin, VL Solozhenko, OO Kurakevych, T Szabó, I Dékány, ...
Angewandte Chemie 120 (43), 8392-8395, 2008
In situ formation of hydrides and carbides in palladium catalyst: when XANES is better than EXAFS and XRD
AL Bugaev, AA Guda, A Lazzarini, KA Lomachenko, E Groppo, ...
Catalysis Today 283, 119-126, 2017
Iron–silica interaction at extreme conditions and the electrically conducting layer at the base of Earth's mantle
L Dubrovinsky, N Dubrovinskaia, F Langenhorst, D Dobson, D Rubie, ...
Nature 422 (6927), 58-61, 2003
Nonlinear size dependence of anatase TiO2 lattice parameters
V Swamy, D Menzies, BC Muddle, A Kuznetsov, LS Dubrovinsky, Q Dai, ...
Applied Physics Letters 88 (24), 2006
Definition of a transcendental order parameter for reconstructive phase transitions
VP Dmitriev, SB Rochal, YM Gufan, P Toledano
Physical review letters 60 (19), 1958, 1988
High‐Pressure Polymorphism as a Step towards Destabilization of LiBH4
Y Filinchuk, D Chernyshov, A Nevidomskyy, V Dmitriev
Angewandte Chemie 120 (3), 539-542, 2008
Light metal borohydrides: crystal structures and beyond
Y Filinchuk, D Chernyshov, V Dmitriev
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 223 (10), 649-659, 2008
Size dependence of the lattice parameters of carbon supported platinum nanoparticles: X-ray diffraction analysis and theoretical considerations
IN Leontyev, AB Kuriganova, NG Leontyev, L Hennet, A Rakhmatullin, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (68), 35959-35965, 2014
Interplay between crystalline chirality and magnetic structure in
SV Grigoriev, D Chernyshov, VA Dyadkin, V Dmitriev, EV Moskvin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (1), 012408, 2010
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Articles 1–20