Jaideep Ray
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Cited by
A component architecture for high-performance scientific computing
DE Bernholdt, BA Allan, R Armstrong, F Bertrand, K Chiu, TL Dahlgren, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 20 (2 …, 2006
The CCA core specification in a distributed memory SPMD framework
BA Allan, RC Armstrong, AP Wolfe, J Ray, DE Bernholdt, JA Kohl
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14 (5), 323-345, 2002
Bayesian Parameter Estimation of a Model for Accurate Jet-in-Crossflow Simulations
J Ray, S Lefantzi, S Arunajatesan, L Dechant
Aiaa Journal 54 (8), 2432-2448, 2016
Baroclinic circulation generation on shock accelerated slow/fast gas interfaces
R Samtaney, J Ray, NJ Zabusky
Physics of fluids 10 (5), 1217-1230, 1998
A CSP and tabulation-based adaptive chemistry model
JC Lee, HN Najm, S Lefantzi, J Ray, M Frenklach, M Valorani, DA Goussis
Combustion Theory and Modelling 11 (1), 73-102, 2007
Computational quality of service for scientific components
B Norris, J Ray, R Armstrong, LC McInnes, DE Bernholdt, WR Elwasif, ...
Component-Based Software Engineering: 7th International Symposium, CBSE 2004 …, 2004
Parallel PDE-based simulations using the Common Component Architecture
LC McInnes, BA Allan, R Armstrong, SJ Benson, DE Bernholdt, ...
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers …, 2006
Using the common component architecture to design high performance scientific simulation codes
S Lefantzi, J Ray, HN Najm
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 10 pp., 2003
Are we there yet? When to stop a Markov chain while generating random graphs
J Ray, A Pinar, C Seshadhri
Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: 9th International Workshop, WAW …, 2012
Triple flame structure and dynamics at the stabilization point of an unsteady lifted jet diffusion flame
J Ray, HN Najm, RB Mildne, KD Devine, S Kempka
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (1), 219-226, 2000
Vortex morphologies on reaccelerated interfaces: Visualization, quantification and modeling of one-and two-mode compressible and incompressible environments
AD Kotelnikov, J Ray, NJ Zabusky
Physics of fluids 12 (12), 3245-3264, 2000
Shock interactions with heavy gaseous elliptic cylinders: Two leeward-side shock competition modes and a heuristic model for interfacial circulation deposition at early times
J Ray, R Samtaney, NJ Zabusky
Physics of Fluids 12 (3), 707-716, 2000
Robust Bayesian Calibration of a Model for Compressible Jet-in-Crossflow Simulations
J Ray, L Dechant, S Lefantzi, J Ling, S Arunajatesan
Aiaa Journal 56 (12), 4893-4909, 2018
Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using surrogates
J Ray, Z Hou, M Huang, K Sargsyan, L Swiler
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3 (1), 199-233, 2015
Estimation of inflow uncertainties in laminar hypersonic double-cone experiments
J Ray, S Kieweg, D Dinzl, B Carnes, VG Weirs, B Freno, M Howard, ...
AIAA journal 58 (10), 4461-4474, 2020
Learning an eddy viscosity model using shrinkage and Bayesian calibration: A jet-in-crossflow case study
J Ray, S Lefantzi, S Arunajatesan, L Dechant
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2018
A high-order low-Mach number AMR construction for chemically reacting flows
C Safta, J Ray, HN Najm
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (24), 9299-9322, 2010
How the common component architecture advances computational science
G Kumfert, DE Bernholdt, TGW Epperly, JA Kohl, LC McInnes, S Parker, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 46 (1), 479, 2006
Using high-order methods on adaptively refined block-structured meshes: derivatives, interpolations, and filters
J Ray, CA Kennedy, S Lefantzi, HN Najm
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 (1), 139-181, 2007
Performance measurement and modeling of component applications in a high performance computing environment: A case study
J Ray, N Trebon, RC Armstrong, S Shende, A Malony
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20