John P. Loegering
John P. Loegering
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Factors affecting Piping Plover chick survival in different brood-rearing habitats
JP Loegering, JD Fraser
The Journal of wildlife management, 646-655, 1995
Population trends in Vermivora warblers are linked to strong migratory connectivity
GR Kramer, DE Andersen, DA Buehler, PB Wood, SM Peterson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14), E3192-E3200, 2018
Spot‐mapping underestimates song‐territory size and use of mature forest by breeding golden‐winged warblers in Minnesota, USA
HM Streby, JP Loegering, DE Andersen
Wildlife Society Bulletin 36 (1), 40-46, 2012
Distance education: Expanding learning opportunities
WD Edge, JP Loegering
Wildlife Society Bulletin 28 (3), 522-533, 2000
Piping Plover breeding biology, foraging ecology and behavior on Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland
JP Loegering
Virginia Tech, 1992
Variables associated with nest survival of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) among vegetation communities commonly used for nesting
KR Aldinger, TM Terhune, PB Wood, DA Buehler, MH Bakermans, ...
Ghost crab preys on a Piping Plover chick.
JP Loegering, JD Fraser, LL Loegering
Golden-winged Warbler nest-site habitat selection
TM Terhune, KR Aldinger, DA Buehler, DJ Flaspohler, JL Larkin, ...
Studies in Avian Biology 49, 109-125, 2016
Distribution, abundance, and habitat association of riparian-obligate and-associated birds in the Oregon Coast Range.
JP Loegering, RG Anthony
Nest-site selection and productivity of American Dippers in the Oregon Coast Range
JP Loegering, RG Anthony
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118 (3), 281-294, 2006
Piping plover distribution and reproductive success on Cape Hatteras National Seashore
SD Coutu, JD Fraser, JL McConnaughy, JP Loegering
Unpublished report to the National Park Service, 1990
Golden-winged Warbler breeding season conservation plan
AM Roth, RW Rohrbaugh, KR Aldinger, MH Bakermans, SB Swarthout, ...
Goldenwinged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan (AM Roth, RW …, 2012
Abundance, habitat association, and foraging ecology of American dippers and other riparian-associated wildlife in the Oregon Coast Range
JP Loegering
Oregon State University, 1997
Wildlife Mortality and Entanglemnet by Discarded Hip Chain String
JP Loegering
The Wilson Bulletin 109 (2), 353-355, 1997
Reinforcing science with Web-based exercises
JP Loegering, WD Edge
Journal of College Science Teaching 31 (4), 252, 2001
Wildlife conservation in high schools: filling an empty niche
JP Loegering, WD Edge
Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference …, 1999
Principles of wildlife conservation-testing distance delivery methodologies
WD Edge, J Loegering, P Diebel
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues 7 (1), 9, 1998
Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends
GR Kramer, DE Andersen, DA Buehler, PB Wood, SM Peterson, ...
Landscape Ecology 38 (9), 2357-2380, 2023
Data and code supporting: Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends
GR Kramer, DE Andersen, DA Buehler, PB Wood, SM Peterson, ...
Comparing Bird Management Tactics for Vineyards and Berry Crops
A Klodd, J Loegering, M Clark
University of Minnesota Extension, 2021
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Articles 1–20