Carlos Toxtli
Cited by
Cited by
Transformers for Natural Language Processing: Build innovative deep neural network architectures for NLP with Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, BERT, RoBERTa, and more
D Rothman
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2021
Understanding chatbot-mediated task management
C Toxtli, A Monroy-Hernández, J Cranshaw
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Quantifying the invisible labor in crowd work
C Toxtli, S Suri, S Savage
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-26, 2021
Social media, civic engagement, and the slacktivism hypothesis: Lessons from Mexico’s “El Bronco”
PN Howard, S Savage, CF Saviaga, C Toxtli, A Monroy-Hernández
Journal of International Affairs 70 (1), 55-73, 2016
Nintendo Wii remote for computer simulated arm and wrist therapy in stroke survivors with upper extremity hemipariesis
RS Leder, G Azcarate, R Savage, S Savage, LE Sucar, D Reinkensmeyer, ...
2008 virtual rehabilitation, 74-74, 2008
Daemo: A self-governed crowdsourcing marketplace
S Gaikwad, D Morina, R Nistala, M Agarwal, A Cossette, R Bhanu, ...
Adjunct proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on user interface …, 2015
Becoming the super turker: Increasing wages via a strategy from high earning workers
S Savage, CW Chiang, S Saito, C Toxtli, J Bigham
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 1241-1252, 2020
Crowdsourcing the installation and maintenance of indoor localization infrastructure to support blind navigation
C Gleason, D Ahmetovic, S Savage, C Toxtli, C Posthuma, C Asakawa, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Hands-On Explainable AI (XAI) with Python: Interpret, visualize, explain, and integrate reliable AI for fair, secure, and trustworthy AI apps
D Rothman
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2020
Reputation agent: Prompting fair reviews in gig markets
C Toxtli, A Richmond-Fuller, S Savage
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 1228-1240, 2020
Visualizing targeted audiences
S Savage, A Forbes, C Toxtli, G McKenzie, S Desai, T Höllerer
COOP 2014-Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Design of …, 2014
Research Methods to Study & Empower Crowd Workers
S Savage, C Toxtli, E Betanzos
Oxford, 2021
Enabling Expert Critique with Chatbots and Micro Guidance
C Toxtli, J Chan, WS Lasecki, S Savage
Collective Intelligence, 4, 2018
LuzDeploy: A collective action system for installing navigation infrastructure for blind people
C Gleason, D Ahmetovic, C Toxtli, S Savage, JP Bigham, C Asakawa
Proceedings of the 14th International Web for All Conference, 1-2, 2017
Evaluating Machine Perception of Indigeneity: An Analysis of ChatGPT's Perceptions of Indigenous Roles in Diverse Scenarios
CD Solorzano, CT Hernandez
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.09237, 2023
Conceptual framework for autonomous cognitive entities
D Shapiro, W Li, M Delaflor, C Toxtli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.06775, 2023
Meta-Gig: Empowering anyone to create crowd marketplaces
C Toxtli, S Savage
Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora 5 (1), 11-19, 2020
Enabling expert critique at scale with chatbots and micro-guidance
C Toxtli, S Savage
ACHI: Advances in Computer-Human Interactions 2020, 2020
A social crowd-controlled orchestra
S Savage, NE Chavez, C Toxtli, S Medina, D Álvarez-López, T Höllerer
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Designing AI Tools to Address Power Imbalances in Digital Labor Platforms
C Toxtli, S Savage
Torn Many Ways: Politics, Conflict and Emotion in Research, 121-137, 2023
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Articles 1–20