Andrew R Curtis
Cited by
Cited by
DevoFlow: Scaling flow management for high-performance networks
AR Curtis, JC Mogul, J Tourrilhes, P Yalagandula, P Sharma, S Banerjee
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Conference, 254-265, 2011
Mahout: Low-overhead datacenter traffic management using end-host-based elephant detection
AR Curtis, W Kim, P Yalagandula
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1629-1637, 2011
It's not easy being green
PX Gao, AR Curtis, B Wong, S Keshav
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 (4), 211-222, 2012
On the automatic scaling of matrices for Gaussian elimination
AR Curtis, JK Reid
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 10 (1), 118-124, 1972
Devoflow: Cost-effective flow management for high performance enterprise networks
JC Mogul, J Tourrilhes, P Yalagandula, P Sharma, AR Curtis, S Banerjee
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 1, 2010
The solution of large sparse unsymmetric systems of linear equations
AR Curtis, JK Reid
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 8 (3), 344-353, 1971
Rewire: An optimization-based framework for unstructured data center network design
AR Curtis, T Carpenter, M Elsheikh, A López-Ortiz, S Keshav
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1116-1124, 2012
High-order explicit Runge-Kutta formulae, their uses, and limitations
AR Curtis
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 16 (1), 35-52, 1975
LEGUP: Using heterogeneity to reduce the cost of data center network upgrades
AR Curtis, S Keshav, A Lopez-Ortiz
Proceedings of the 6th International COnference, 1-12, 2010
The choice of step lengths when using differences to approximate Jacobian matrices
AR Curtis, JK Reid
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 (1), 121-126, 1974
Isomorphism of graph classes related to the circular-ones property
AR Curtis, MC Lin, RM McConnell, Y Nussbaum, FJ Soulignac, ...
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 15 (Discrete Algorithms), 2013
Elephant flow detection in a computing device
AR Curtis, P Yalagandula
US Patent 9,124,515, 2015
The return on investment for taxi companies transitioning to electric vehicles: A case study in San Francisco
T Carpenter, AR Curtis, S Keshav
Transportation 41, 785-818, 2014
Elephant flow detection in a computing device
AR Curtis, P Yalagandula
US Patent App. 14/810,389, 2015
An implicit representation of chordal comparabilty graphs in linear-time
AR Curtis, C Izurieta, B Joeris, S Lundberg, RM McConnell
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 32nd International Workshop …, 2006
Capacity provisioning a Valiant load-balanced network
AR Curtis, A López-Ortiz
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 3006-3010, 2009
A proposed target language for compilers on Atlas
AR Curtis, IC Pyle
The Computer Journal 5 (2), 100-106, 1962
An implicit representation of chordal comparability graphs in linear time
AR Curtis, C Izurieta, B Joeris, S Lundberg, RM McConnell
Discrete applied mathematics 158 (8), 869-875, 2010
Small-worlds: Beyond social networking
AR Curtis
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal 5 (2), 7, 2004
Reducing the Cost of Operating a Datacenter Network
A Curtis
University of Waterloo, 2012
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Articles 1–20