Tiago Machado-de-Souza
Cited by
Cited by
Local drivers of the structure of a tropical bird-seed dispersal network
T Machado-de-Souza, RP Campos, M Devoto, IG Varassin
Oecologia 189, 421-433, 2019
Abundance, occurrence, and seasonality of the Subtropical Doradito (Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis) on the coast of Brazil
MR Bornschein, BL Reinert, T Machado-de-Souza, C Golec, BM Whitney, ...
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129 (1), 199-206, 2017
Longevity Records and Signs of Aging in Marsh Antwren Formicivora acutirostris (Thamnophilidae)
MR Bornschein, MA Pizo, DD Sobotka, R Belmonte-Lopes, C Golec, ...
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127 (1), 98-102, 2015
How do fruit productivity, fruit traits and dietary specialization affect the role of birds in a mutualistic network?
ML Malanotte, T Machado-de-Souza, RP Campos, CLO Petkowicz, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 35 (5), 213-222, 2019
Habitat selection in Many-colored Rush Tyrant (Tachuris rubrigastra) and Wren-like Rushbird (Phleocryptes melanops) in the subtropical salt marshes of Brazil
MA Favretto, T Machado-de-Souza, C Golec, BL Reinert, MR Bornschein
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 59 (2), 276-288, 2024
Tachuris rubrigastra e Phleocryptes melanops: seleção de habitat em brejos salinos subtropicais do Brasil
MA Favretto, T Machado-de-Souza, C Golec, BL Reinert, M Ricardo
Revista de Geistória e Pré-História, 108, 2017
A Probabilistic View of Forbidden Links: Their Prevalence and Their Consequences for the Robustness of Plant–Hummingbird Communities
F Duchenne, E Barreto, EA Guevara, H Beck, C Bello, R Bobato, D Bôlla, ...
Ecology Letters 28 (1), e70073, 2025
A probabilistic view of forbidden links: their prevalence and their consequences for the robustness of mutualistic networks
F Duchenne, E Barreto, EA Guevara, H Beck, C Bello, R Bobato, D Bôlla, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
Correction to: Local drivers of the structure of a tropical bird‑seed dispersal network
T Machado-de-Souza, RP Campos, M Devoto, IG Varassin
Oecologia 190 (1), 273-273, 2019
Caracterização da avifauna no sítio aeroportuário do Aeroporto Internacional Afonso Pena, São José dos Pinhais (PR) , com vistas à análise de risco de colisão com aeronaves
T Machado-de-Souza …, 2010
Padrões de organização da comunidade de aves frugívoras da Floresta Atlântica do Sul do Brasil
TM Souza
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Articles 1–11