Ailsa Hall
Ailsa Hall
Director Sea Mammal Research Unit
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Cited by
Predicting global killer whale population collapse from PCB pollution
JP Desforges, A Hall, B McConnell, A Rosing-Asvid, JL Barber, ...
Science 361 (6409), 1373-1376, 2018
The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour seals
T Härkönen, R Dietz, P Reijnders, J Teilmann, K Harding, A Hall, ...
Diseases of aquatic organisms 68 (2), 115-130, 2006
Factors affecting first‐year survival in grey seals and their implications for life history strategy
H Ailsa J, MC Bernie J, B Richard J
Journal of Animal Ecology 70 (1), 138-149, 2001
Cetacean morbillivirus: current knowledge and future directions
MF Van Bressem, PJ Duignan, A Banyard, M Barbieri, KM Colegrove, ...
Viruses 6 (12), 5145-5181, 2014
Is marine mammal health deteriorating? Trends in the global reporting of marine mammal disease
FMD Gulland, AJ Hall
EcoHealth 4, 135-150, 2007
The role of organochlorines in cancer-associated mortality in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)
GM Ylitalo, JE Stein, T Hom, LL Johnson, KL Tilbury, AJ Hall, T Rowles, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (1), 30-39, 2005
Overcoming the challenges of studying conservation physiology in large whales: a review of available methods
KE Hunt, MJ Moore, RM Rolland, NM Kellar, AJ Hall, J Kershaw, ...
Conservation Physiology 1 (1), cot006, 2013
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in grey seals during their first year of life—are they thyroid hormone endocrine disrupters?
AJ Hall, OI Kalantzi, GO Thomas
Environmental Pollution 126 (1), 29-37, 2003
The Risk of Infection from Polychlorinated Biphenyl Exposure in the Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): A Case–Control Approach
AJ Hall, K Hugunin, R Deaville, RJ Law, CR Allchin, PD Jepson
Environmental Health Perspectives 114 (5), 704-711, 2006
Organochlorine levels in common seals (Phoca vitulina) which were victims and survivors of the 1988 phocine distemper epizootic
AJ Hall, RJ Law, DE Wells, J Harwood, HM Ross, S Kennedy, CR Allchin, ...
Science of the total environment 115 (1-2), 145-162, 1992
Mass mortality in marine mammals: its implications for population dynamics and genetics
J Harwood, A Hall
Trends in ecology & evolution 5 (8), 254-257, 1990
Individual-based model framework to assess population consequences of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in bottlenose dolphins
AJ Hall, BJ McConnell, TK Rowles, A Aguilar, A Borrell, L Schwacke, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 114 (Suppl 1), 60-64, 2006
The diet of grey seals around Orkney and other island and mainland sites in north-eastern Scotland
PS Hammond, AJ Hall, JH Prime
Journal of Applied Ecology, 340-350, 1994
Mercury in cetaceans: exposure, bioaccumulation and toxicity
JL Kershaw, AJ Hall
Science of The Total Environment 694, 133683, 2019
The modelling and assessment of whale-watching impacts
LF New, AJ Hall, R Harcourt, G Kaufman, ECM Parsons, HC Pearson, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 115, 10-16, 2015
Phocine distemper virus: current knowledge and future directions
PJ Duignan, MF Van Bressem, JD Baker, M Barbieri, KM Colegrove, ...
Viruses 6 (12), 5093-5134, 2014
Understanding the combined effects of multiple stressors: A new perspective on a longstanding challenge
E Pirotta, L Thomas, DP Costa, AJ Hall, CM Harris, J Harwood, SD Kraus, ...
Science of the Total Environment 821, 153322, 2022
Seasonal variation in the diet of harbour seals in the south-western North Sea
AJ Hall, J Watkins, PS Hammond
Marine Ecology Progress Series 170, 269-281, 1998
Absorption of decabromodiphenyl ether and other organohalogen chemicals by grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)
GO Thomas, SEW Moss, L Asplund, AJ Hall
Environmental pollution 133 (3), 581-586, 2005
Mortality study of British pathologists
A Hall, JM Harrington, TC Aw
American Journal of Industrial Medicine 20 (1), 83-89, 1991
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Articles 1–20