Guy Cohen-Lazry
Guy Cohen-Lazry
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Citované v
Directional tactile alerts for take-over requests in highly-automated driving
G Cohen-Lazry, N Katzman, A Borowsky, T Oron-Gilad
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 217-226, 2019
An approach for measurement of passenger comfort: real-time classification based on in-cabin and exterior data
A Telpaz, M Baltaxe, RM Hecht, G Cohen-Lazry, A Degani, G Kamhi
2018 21st international conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2018
The effects of continuous driving-related feedback on drivers’ response to automation failures
G Cohen-Lazry, A Borowsky, T Oron-Gilad
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 61 (1 …, 2017
The impact of auditory continual feedback on take-overs in Level 3 automated vehicles
G Cohen-Lazry, A Borowsky, T Oron-Gilad
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 75, 145-159, 2020
Discomfort: an assessment and a model
G Cohen-Lazry, A Degani, T Oron-Gilad, PA Hancock
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 24 (4), 480-503, 2023
Ipsilateral Versus Contralateral Tactile Alerts for Take-Over Requests in Highly-Automated Driving
G Cohen-Lazry, N Katzman, A Borowsky, T Oron-Gilad
Humanist 2018, 2018
Improving drivers’ hazard perception and performance using a less visually-demanding interface
G Cohen-Lazry, A Borowsky
Frontiers in psychology 11, 2216, 2020
Identifying sources of discomfort in various road events while riding automated vehicles
G Cohen-Lazry, A Telpaz, A Degani, T Oron-Gilad
2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), 1-5, 2020
An Introduction to a Psychoanalytic Framework for Passengers’ Experience in Autonomous Vehicles
G Cohen-Lazry, A Edelstein, A Degani, T Oron-Gilad
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 249-265, 2020
Is staying out of bomb-shelters a human-automation interaction issue?
G Cohen-Lazry, T Oron-Gilad
Technology in Society 47, 25-30, 2016
Mode of experience-based control of a system
A Degani, YS Friedland, Z Bnaya, C Ebner, G Cohen-Lazry, T Oron-Gilad
US Patent App. 18/096,282, 2024
The effects of implementing human valence into the behavioral model of a fully autonomous vehicle
O Fartook, G Cohen-Lazry, A Borowsky
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 98, 226-242, 2023
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