Christopher B. Harris
Cited by
Cited by
Hardware acceleration of feature detection and description algorithms on low-power embedded platforms
O Ulusel, C Picardo, CB Harris, S Reda, RI Bahar
2016 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2016
Glast: Learning formal grammars to translate natural language specifications into hardware assertions
CB Harris, IG Harris
2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 966-971, 2016
Generating formal hardware verification properties from natural language documentation
CB Harris, IG Harris
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic …, 2015
Automating the translation of assertions using natural language processing techniques
M Soeken, CB Harris, N Abdessaied, IG Harris, R Drechsler
Proceedings of the 2014 Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL …, 2014
A residual battery-aware routing algorithm based on DSR for BLE sensor networks
Z Guo, IG Harris, CB Harris, Y Jiang, L Tsaur
2016 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 1-6, 2016
Generating formal verification properties from natural language hardware specifications
CB Harris
University of California, Irvine, 2015
Generation of Verification Artifacts from Natural Language Descriptions
IG Harris, CB Harris
Natural Language Processing for Electronic Design Automation, 37-70, 2020
A research tool for the power and performance analysis of sensor-based mobile robots
CB Harris, RI Bahar
2017 New Generation of CAS (NGCAS), 25-28, 2017
Simulating and Evaluating a Quaternary Logic FPGA Based on Floating-gate Memories and Voltage Division
A Fadamiro, P Rezaie, S Millican, C Harris
The 2021 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays …, 2021
A Quaternary FPGA Architecture Using Floating Gate Memories
A Fadamiro, P Rezaie, C Harris, S Millican
2020 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom …, 2020
Towards the Simulation Based Design and Validation of Mobile Robotic Cyber-Physical Systems
CB Harris, RI Bahar
Journal of Low Power Electronics 14 (1), 148-156(9), 2018
Using Natural Language Documentation in the Formal Verification of Hardware Designs
CB Harris, IG Harris
Automatic Generation of Formal Verification Properties from English Language
C Harris
2014 Workshop on Supporting Diversity in Systems Research (Diversity 14), 2014
2021 IEEE 51st International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL)| 978-1-7281-9224-6/21/$31.00© 2021 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/ISMVL51352. 2021.00044
C Aknesil, S Al-Askar, A Amirany, JT Astola, A Avron, M Bao, M Behrisch, ...
Chair: Peter Flake, Elda Technology Ltd Co-Chair: Frank Oppenheimer, OFFIS
M Soeken, CB Harris, N Abdessaied, IG Harris, R Drechsler, L Musat, ...
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Articles 1–15