David E. Scott
David E. Scott
Research Professional, SREL (UGA)
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The Global Decline of Reptiles, Déjà Vu Amphibians: Reptile species are declining on a global scale. Six significant threats to reptile populations are habitat loss and …
JW Gibbons, DE Scott, TJ Ryan, KA Buhlmann, TD Tuberville, BS Metts, ...
BioScience 50 (8), 653-666, 2000
Declining amphibian populations: the problem of separating human impacts from natural fluctuations
JHK Pechmann, DE Scott, RD Semlitsch, JP Caldwell, LJ Vitt, JW Gibbons
Science 253 (5022), 892-895, 1991
Time and size at metamorphosis related to adult fitness in Ambystoma talpoideum
RD Semlitsch, DE Scott, JHK Pechmann
Ecology 69 (1), 184-192, 1988
Conservation of biodiversity in a changing climate
L Hannah, GF Midgley, T Lovejoy, WJ Bond, M Bush, JC Lovett, D Scott, ...
Conservation Biology 16 (1), 264-268, 2002
Structure and dynamics of an amphibian community
RD Semlitsch, DE Scott, JHK Pechmann, JW Gibbons
Long-term studies of vertebrate communities, 217-248, 1996
The effect of larval density on adult demographic traits in Ambystoma opacum
DE Scott
Ecology 75 (5), 1383-1396, 1994
Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
V Radchuk, T Reed, C Teplitsky, M van de Pol, A Charmantier, C Hassall, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3109, 2019
Influence of wetland hydroperiod on diversity and abundance of metamorphosing juvenile amphibians
JHK Pechmann, DE Scott, J Whitfield Gibbons, RD Semlitsch
Wetlands ecology and Management 1, 3-11, 1989
Remarkable amphibian biomass and abundance in an isolated wetland: implications for wetland conservation
JW Gibbons, CT Winne, DE Scott, JD Willson, X Glaudas, KM Andrews, ...
Conservation Biology 20 (5), 1457-1465, 2006
Amphibian population declines at Savannah River site are linked to climate, not chytridiomycosis
P Daszak, DE Scott, AM Kilpatrick, C Faggioni, JW Gibbons, D Porter
Ecology 86 (12), 3232-3237, 2005
Effects of larval density in Ambystoma opacum: an experiment large‐scale field enclosures
DE Scott
Ecology 71 (1), 296-306, 1990
Climate change correlates with rapid delays and advancements in reproductive timing in an amphibian community
BD Todd, DE Scott, JHK Pechmann, JW Gibbons
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1715), 2191-2197, 2011
Amphibian colonization and use of ponds created for trial mitigation of wetland loss
JHK Pechmann, RA Estes, DE Scott, JW Gibbons
Wetlands 21 (1), 93-111, 2001
Amphibian lipid levels at metamorphosis correlate to post-metamorphic terrestrial survival
DE Scott, ED Casey, MF Donovan, TK Lynch
Oecologia 153, 521-532, 2007
Catastrophic reproductive failure, terrestrial survival, and persistence of the marbled salamander
BE Taylor, DE Scott, JW Gibbons
Conservation Biology 20 (3), 792-801, 2006
Effects of toe-clipping and PIT-tagging on growth and survival in metamorphic Ambystoma opacum
JA Ott, DE Scott
Journal of Herpetology 33 (2), 344-348, 1999
Perceptions of species abundance, distribution, and diversity: lessons from four decades of sampling on a government-managed reserve
JW Gibbons, VJ Burke, JE Lovich, RD Semlitsch, TD Tuberville, JR Bodie, ...
Environmental Management 21 (2), 259-268, 1997
Drift fences encircling breeding sites
CK Dodd Jr, DE Scott
Phenotypic variation in the arrival time of breeding salamanders: individual repeatability and environmental influences
RD Semlitsch, DE Scott, JHK Pechmann, JW Gibbons
Journal of Animal Ecology, 334-340, 1993
Influence of drought on salamander occupancy of isolated wetlands on the southeastern coastal plain of the United States
SC Walls, WJ Barichivich, ME Brown, DE Scott, BR Hossack
Wetlands 33, 345-354, 2013
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