Mariana Ujházyová
Mariana Ujházyová
researcher,Faculty of ecology and environmental sciences,Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
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Citované v
A list of vegetation units of Slovakia
I Jarolímek, J Šibík, K Hegedüšová, M Janišová, J Kliment, P Kučera, ...
Diagnostic, constant and dominant species of the higher vegetation units of …, 2008
Global maps of soil temperature
JJ Lembrechts, J van den Hoogen, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, ...
Global change biology 28 (9), 3110-3144, 2022
The most species-rich plant communities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (with new world records).
M Chytrý, T Dražil, M Hájek, V Kalníková, J Šibík, K Ujházy, I Axmanová, ...
History and environment shape species pools and community diversity in European beech forests
B Jiménez-Alfaro, M Girardello, M Chytrý, JC Svenning, W Willner, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (3), 483-490, 2018
ForestTemp–Sub‐canopy microclimate temperatures of European forests
S Haesen, JJ Lembrechts, P De Frenne, J Lenoir, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (23), 6307-6319, 2021
Observer and relocation errors matter in resurveys of historical vegetation plots
K Verheyen, M Bažány, E Chećko, M Chudomelová, D Closset‐Kopp, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (5), 812-823, 2018
Overstorey dynamics controls plant diversity in age-class temperate forests
K Ujházy, L Hederová, F Máliš, M Ujházyová, M Bosela, M Čiliak
Forest Ecology and Management 391, 96-105, 2017
Diversity of beech forest vegetation in the Eastern Alps, Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians.–Preslia 88: 435–457.
M Ujházyová, K Ujházy, M Chytrý, W Willner, M Čiliak, F Máliš, M Slezák
Species richness pattern along altitudinal gradient in central European beech forests
R Hrivnák, D Gömöry, M Slezák, K Ujházy, R Hédl, B Jarčuška, ...
Folia Geobotanica 49, 425-441, 2014
Handbook of field sampling for multi-taxon biodiversity studies in European forests
S Burrascano, G Trentanovi
PM edizioni, 2022
Historical charcoal burning and coppicing suppressed beech and increased forest vegetation heterogeneity
F Máliš, P Bobek, R Hédl, M Chudomelová, P Petřík, K Ujházy, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (1), e12923, 2021
Syntaxonomy and ecology of acidophilous beech forest vegetation in Slovakia
M Slezák, R Hrivnák, K Ujházy, M Ujházyová, F Máliš, A Petrášová
Phytocoenologia 46 (1), 69-88, 2016
Response of fungal and plant communities to management-induced overstorey changes in montane forests of the Western Carpathians
K Ujházy, M Ujházyová, K Bučinová, M Čiliak, S Glejdura, I Mihál
European journal of forest research 137, 169-183, 2018
Phytosociological approach to scree and ravine forest vegetation in Slovakia
R Hrivnák, M Slezák, K Ujházy, F Máliš, D Blanár, M Ujházyová, J Kliment
Annals of Forest Research 53 (1), 183-200, 2010
Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?
S Burrascano, F Chianucci, G Trentanovi, S Kepfer-Rojas, T Sitzia, ...
Biological conservation 284, 110176, 2023
Competition for soil resources forces a trade-off between enhancing tree productivity and understorey species richness in managed beech forests
R Hrivnák, M Bošeľa, M Slezák, M Lukac, I Svitková, J Gizela, ...
Science of The Total Environment 849, 157825, 2022
Microclimate variation and recovery time in managed and old-growth temperate forests
F Máliš, K Ujházy, L Hederová, M Ujházyová, L Csölleová, DA Coomes, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 342, 109722, 2023
Syntaxonómia bukových a sutinových lesov južnej časti Muránskej planiny [Syntaxonomy of beech and scree forests in the southern part of the Muránska planina Mts]
J Kliment, K Ujházy, M Ujházyová, R Hrivnák, J Kochjarová, D Blanár
Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti 32, 161-211, 2010
Syntaxonomical revision of the order Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawłowski ex Pawłowski et al. 1928 in Slovakia
M Ujházyová, K Ujházy, F Máliš, M Slezák, R Hrivnák
Biologia 76 (7), 1929-1968, 2021
Words apart: Standardizing forestry terms and definitions across European biodiversity studies
G Trentanovi, T Campagnaro, T Sitzia, F Chianucci, G Vacchiano, ...
Forest Ecosystems 10, 100128, 2023
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