Laura Rocha Prado
Laura Rocha Prado
Science Data Administrator
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Citované v
New species of Diabrotica Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) and a key to Diabrotica and related genera: results of a synopsis of North and Central American …
A Derunkov, LR Prado, AK Tishechkin, AS Konstantinov
Journal of Insect Biodiversity 3 (2), 1-55, 2015
História Da Biogeografia: Do Gênesis À Primeira Metade Do Século XIX
N Papavero, DM Teixeira, LR Prado
Technical Books, 2013
Review on the use of sexually dimorphic characters in the taxonomy of Diabroticites (Galerucinae, Luperini, Diabroticina)
LR Prado
ZooKeys, 33, 2013
Why we shouldn’t blame women for gender disparity in academia: perspectives of women in zoology
V Slobodian, KDA Soares, RL Falaschi, LR Prado, P Camelier, ...
Zoología (Curitiba) 38, e61968, 2021
Taxonomic Curation in a Multi-taxa Symbiota Portal
KS Orellana, E Gilbert, L Walker, K Pearson, L Prado, G Post, J Yost, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6, e93671, 2022
Redescription of Omophoita octoguttata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and its immature stages, with notes on life history
BP Begha, MH Santos, LR Prado
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 111, e2021016, 2021
Leveraging the Symbiota Support Hub for Biodiversity Data Mobilization
K Pearson, E Gilbert, N Franz, S Orellana, G Post, LR Prado, L Walker, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6, e93893, 2022
Elevating Omophoita octoguttata elytralis Bechyné, 1956 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) to species
BP Begha, MH Santos, LR Prado
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 63, e202363016, 2023
Extended Taxonomic Curation: Moving beyond species lists to linking species data
N Upham, C Powell, L Prado, N Franz, B Sterner
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6, e93670, 2022
Checklist of Omophoita Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) and diagnoses for some species from southern Brazil: notes on the taxonomic history …
Zootaxa 5357 (3), 375-397, 2023
Designing Biorepositories to Monitor Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Change
KM Yule, EE Gilbert, AP Husain, MA Johnston, LR Prado, L Steger, ...
Zenodo. https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 3880411, 2020
Análise cladística da seção Diabroticites Chapuis, 1875 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Luperini)
LR Prado
Extending Recognition for Taxonomic Curation Beyond the Traditional Authorities
LR Prado, N Upham, N Franz, B Sterner
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 23, 2022
A Set of Simple Tools For Assembling, Annotating, Versioning and Publishing Taxonomies
LR Prado
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 5, e75344, 2021
Complementarity of the NEON Biorepository and natural history collection networks for understanding ecological change across spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scales
K Yule, EE Gilbert, AP Husain, MA Johnston, LR Prado, L Steger, ...
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6), 2020
Where NEON and natural history collections data meet: Exploring the NEON Biorepository data portal
NM Franz, EE Gilbert, AP Husain, MA Johnston, LR Prado, L Steger, ...
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
Taxonomia e análise cladística de Cochabamba Bechyné, 1955 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae)
LR Prado
Percepção Pública a respeito da relação entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente entre o público jovem
PR Cunha, MC Ramos, PS Batalha, RP Laura, CIEN Octaviano, ...
Anais do I Foro Ibero-americano de Comunicação e Divulgação Científica, 2009
Estabelecimento de Estádios Juvenis Sob Adultos de uma Sub-População Natural de Cryptocarya sp. nov.(Lauraceae) da Serra do Japi, SP
BD Bitarello, CB Graduação, DZ do Nascimento, LR Prado, ...
Comparação entre Riqueza de Morfoespécies de Liquens em Áreas de Mata e Mangue em Ubatuba
AAR de Souza, BD Bitarello, BM Abramczuk, E Pereira, LR Prado, ...
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