David Odde
David Odde
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota
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Traction dynamics of filopodia on compliant substrates
CE Chan, DJ Odde
Science 322 (5908), 1687, 2008
Laser-guided direct writing for applications in biotechnology
DJ Odde, MJ Renn
Trends in biotechnology 17 (10), 385-389, 1999
Laser‐guided direct writing of living cells
DJ Odde, MJ Renn
Biotechnology and bioengineering 67 (3), 312-318, 2000
Laser‐guided direct writing for three‐dimensional tissue engineering
Y Nahmias, RE Schwartz, CM Verfaillie, DJ Odde
Biotechnology and bioengineering 92 (2), 129-136, 2005
Shifting the optimal stiffness for cell migration
BL Bangasser, GA Shamsan, CE Chan, KN Opoku, E Tüzel, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15313, 2017
Mechanochemical model of microtubule structure and self-assembly kinetics
V VanBuren, L Cassimeris, DJ Odde
Biophysical journal 89 (5), 2911-2926, 2005
Estimates of lateral and longitudinal bond energies within the microtubule lattice
V VanBuren, DJ Odde, L Cassimeris
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6035-6040, 2002
Potential for control of signaling pathways via cell size and shape
J Meyers, J Craig, DJ Odde
Current biology 16 (17), 1685-1693, 2006
Determinants of maximal force transmission in a motor-clutch model of cell traction in a compliant microenvironment
BL Bangasser, SS Rosenfeld, DJ Odde
Biophysical journal 105 (3), 581-592, 2013
Rapid microtubule self-assembly kinetics
MK Gardner, BD Charlebois, IM Jánosi, J Howard, AJ Hunt, DJ Odde
Cell 146 (4), 582-592, 2011
Randomized trial of metformin, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine for Covid-19
CT Bramante, JD Huling, CJ Tignanelli, JB Buse, DM Liebovitz, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 387 (7), 599-610, 2022
Microtubule assembly dynamics at the nanoscale
HT Schek, MK Gardner, J Cheng, DJ Odde, AJ Hunt
Current Biology 17 (17), 1445-1455, 2007
Chromosome congression by Kinesin-5 motor-mediated disassembly of longer kinetochore microtubules
MK Gardner, DC Bouck, LV Paliulis, JB Meehl, ET O'Toole, J Haase, ...
Cell 135 (5), 894-906, 2008
Microtubule bending and breaking in living fibroblast cells
DJ Odde, L Ma, AH Briggs, A DeMarco, MW Kirschner
Journal of cell science 112 (19), 3283-3288, 1999
Stable kinetochore-microtubule attachment constrains centromere positioning in metaphase
CG Pearson, E Yeh, M Gardner, D Odde, ED Salmon, K Bloom
Current Biology 14 (21), 1962-1967, 2004
Rapid dynamics of the microtubule binding of ensconsin in vivo
JC Bulinski, DJ Odde, BJ Howell, TD Salmon, CM Waterman-Storer
Journal of cell science 114 (21), 3885-3897, 2001
Kinetics of microtubule catastrophe assessed by probabilistic analysis
DJ Odde, L Cassimeris, HM Buettner
Biophysical journal 69 (3), 796-802, 1995
Enhanced substrate stress relaxation promotes filopodia-mediated cell migration
K Adebowale, Z Gong, JC Hou, KM Wisdom, D Garbett, H Lee, S Nam, ...
Nature materials 20 (9), 1290-1299, 2021
Regulation of the MEX-5 gradient by a spatially segregated kinase/phosphatase cycle
EE Griffin, DJ Odde, G Seydoux
Cell 146 (6), 955-968, 2011
Tension-dependent regulation of microtubule dynamics at kinetochores can explain metaphase congression in yeast
MK Gardner, CG Pearson, BL Sprague, TR Zarzar, K Bloom, ED Salmon, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 16 (8), 3764-3775, 2005
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Articles 1–20