Charlyn Partridge
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Trace metals in fish and sediments from Lake Boeuf, Southeastern Louisiana
J Aucoin, R Blanchard, C Billiot, C Partridge, D Schultz, K Mandhare, ...
Microchemical Journal 62 (2), 299-307, 1999
Short-term exposure to a synthetic estrogen disrupts mating dynamics in a pipefish
C Partridge, A Boettcher, AG Jones
Hormones and Behavior 58 (5), 800-807, 2010
Evidence of paternal nutrient provisioning to embryos in broad‐nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle
C Kvarnemo, KB Mobley, C Partridge, AG Jones, I Ahnesjö
Journal of Fish Biology 78 (6), 1725-1737, 2011
Genetic effects at pleiotropic loci are context-dependent with consequences for the maintenance of genetic variation in populations
HA Lawson, JE Cady, C Partridge, JB Wolf, CF Semenkovich, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (9), e1002256, 2011
Persistent organic pollutants, metals, and the bacterial community composition associated with microplastics in Muskegon Lake (MI)
AD Steinman, J Scott, L Green, C Partridge, M Oudsema, M Hassett, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 46 (5), 1444-1458, 2020
Osmoregulatory role of the brood pouch in the euryhaline Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli
C Partridge, J Shardo, A Boettcher
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2007
The effect of dietary fat intake on hepatic gene expression in LG/J AND SM/J mice
CG Partridge, GL Fawcett, B Wang, CF Semenkovich, JM Cheverud
BMC genomics 15, 1-13, 2014
Brain transcriptional profiles of male alternative reproductive tactics and females in bluegill sunfish
CG Partridge, MD MacManes, R Knapp, BD Neff
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167509, 2016
The effect of maternal body size on embryo survivorship in the broods of pregnant male pipefish
KB Mobley, C Kvarnemo, I Ahnesjö, C Partridge, A Berglund, AG Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 1169-1177, 2011
The effect of perceived female parasite load on post-copulatory male choice in a sex-role-reversed pipefish
C Partridge, I Ahnesjö, C Kvarnemo, KB Mobley, A Berglund, AG Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 345-354, 2009
Androgen and prolactin manipulation induces changes in aggressive and nurturing behavior in a fish with male parental care
AAP Cunha, CG Partridge, R Knapp, BD Neff
Hormones and Behavior 116, 104582, 2019
Effects of an environmental estrogen on male Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli (Evermann and Kendall), a male brooding teleost.
N Ueda, C Partridge, J Bolland, J Hemming, T Sherman, A Boettcher
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 74 (6), 2005
The Role of Courtship Behavior and Size in Mate Preference in the Sex‐Role‐Reversed Gulf Pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli
C Partridge, A Boettcher, AG Jones
Ethology 119 (8), 692-701, 2013
Variation of mercury concentration in fish taken from Lake Boeuf, southeastern Louisiana
TP Dupre, TJ Granier, S Keife, R Marino, S O'Rourke, C Partridge, ...
Microchemical journal 61 (2), 156-164, 1999
Yellow perch genetic structure and habitat use among connected habitats in eastern Lake Michigan
GM Chorak, CR Ruetz III, RA Thum, CG Partridge, DJ Janetski, TO Höök, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (16), 8922-8932, 2019
Androgen effects on immune gene expression during parental care in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)
C Partridge, CMC Rodgers, R Knapp, BD Neff
Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (1), 9-13, 2015
Population structure of the Gulf pipefish in and around Mobile Bay and the northern Gulf of Mexico
C Partridge, A Boettcher, AG Jones
Journal of Heredity 103 (6), 821-830, 2012
Assessment of invasive Gypsophila paniculata control methods in the northwest Michigan dunes
EK Rice, H Leimbach-Maus, C Partridge, JN McNair
Invasive Plant Science and Management 13 (2), 94-101, 2020
Small-scale captive breeding of a euryhaline pipefish
C Partridge, C Cazalas, J Rozelle, J Hemming, A Boettcher
World aquaculture, 2004
Microsatellite primer development for the invasive perennial herb Gypsophila paniculata (Caryophyllaceae)
HB Leimbach‐Maus, SR Parks, CG Partridge
Applications in Plant Sciences 6 (12), e01203, 2018
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Articles 1–20