Helen J. Wang
Helen J. Wang
Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
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Online aggregation
JM Hellerstein, PJ Haas, HJ Wang
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1997
Distributing streaming media content using cooperative networking
VN Padmanabhan, HJ Wang, PA Chou, K Sripanidkulchai
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on Network and operating …, 2002
Secondnet: a data center network virtualization architecture with bandwidth guarantees
C Guo, G Lu, HJ Wang, S Yang, C Kong, P Sun, W Wu, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 6th International COnference, 1-12, 2010
Permission re-delegation: Attacks and defenses.
AP Felt, HJ Wang, A Moshchuk, S Hanna, E Chin
USENIX security symposium 30, 88, 2011
Policy-enabled handoffs across heterogeneous wireless networks
HJ Wang, RH Katz, J Giese
Proceedings WMCSA'99. Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 1999
Resilient peer-to-peer streaming
VN Padmanabhan, HJ Wang, PA Chou
11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
Discoverer: Automatic Protocol Reverse Engineering from Network Traces.
W Cui, J Kannan, HJ Wang
USENIX Security Symposium, 1-14, 2007
Shield: Vulnerability-driven network filters for preventing known vulnerability exploits
HJ Wang, C Guo, DR Simon, A Zugenmaier
Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2004
Enabling security in cloud storage {SLAs} with {CloudProof}
RA Popa, JR Lorch, D Molnar, HJ Wang, L Zhuang
2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 11), 2011
An evaluation of scalable application-level multicast built using peer-to-peer overlays
M Castro, MB Jones, AM Kermarrec, A Rowstron, M Theimer, H Wang, ...
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
BrowserShield: Vulnerability-driven filtering of dynamic HTML
C Reis, J Dunagan, HJ Wang, O Dubrovsky, S Esmeir
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 1 (3), 11-es, 2007
Tupni: Automatic reverse engineering of input formats
W Cui, M Peinado, K Chen, HJ Wang, L Irun-Briz
Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2008
Automatic Misconfiguration Troubleshooting with PeerPressure.
HJ Wang, JC Platt, Y Chen, R Zhang, YM Wang
OSDI 4, 245-257, 2004
User-driven access control: Rethinking permission granting in modern operating systems
F Roesner, T Kohno, A Moshchuk, B Parno, HJ Wang, C Cowan
2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 224-238, 2012
Inflammation in alcoholic liver disease
HJ Wang, B Gao, S Zakhari, LE Nagy
Annual review of nutrition 32 (1), 343-368, 2012
The Multi-Principal OS Construction of the Gazelle Web Browser.
HJ Wang, C Grier, A Moshchuk, ST King, P Choudhury, H Venter
USENIX security symposium 28, 2009
Preserving location privacy in wireless LANs
T Jiang, HJ Wang, YC Hu
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Mobile systems …, 2007
Strider: A black-box, state-based approach to change and configuration management and support
YM Wang, C Verbowski, J Dunagan, Y Chen, HJ Wang, C Yuan, Z Zhang
Science of Computer Programming 53 (2), 143-164, 2004
ICEBERG: An Internet core network architecture for integrated communications
HJ Wang, B Raman, C Chuah, R Biswas, R Gummadi, B Hohlt, X Hong, ...
IEEE Personal Communications 7 (4), 10-19, 2000
Clickjacking: Attacks and defenses
LS Huang, A Moshchuk, HJ Wang, S Schecter, C Jackson
21st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 12), 413-428, 2012
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Articles 1–20