Wenhan Dai
Wenhan Dai
UMass Amherst and MIT
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Cited by
A theoretical foundation of network localization and navigation
MZ Win, Y Shen, W Dai
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (7), 1136-1165, 2018
Power optimization for network localization
Y Shen, W Dai, MZ Win
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (4), 1337-1350, 2013
Network operation strategies for efficient localization and navigation
MZ Win, W Dai, Y Shen, G Chrisikos, HV Poor
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (7), 1224-1254, 2018
Efficient multisensor localization for the Internet of Things: Exploring a new class of scalable localization algorithms
MZ Win, F Meyer, Z Liu, W Dai, S Bartoletti, A Conti
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 35 (5), 153-167, 2018
A mathematical model for wideband ranging
S Bartoletti, W Dai, A Conti, MZ Win
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 9 (2), 216-228, 2014
Distributed power allocation for cooperative wireless network localization
W Dai, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (1), 28-40, 2014
Optimal remote entanglement distribution
W Dai, T Peng, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (3), 540-556, 2020
Mercury: An infrastructure-free system for network localization and navigation
Z Liu, W Dai, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (5), 1119-1133, 2017
Energy-efficient network navigation algorithms
W Dai, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (7), 1418-1430, 2015
The non-bayesian restless multi-armed bandit: A case of near-logarithmic regret
W Dai, Y Gai, B Krishnamachari, Q Zhao
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011 IEEE International …, 2011
A computational geometry framework for efficient network localization
W Dai, Y Shen, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (2), 1317-1339, 2017
A wireless sensor network based personnel positioning scheme in coal mines with blind areas
Z Liu, C Li, D Wu, W Dai, S Geng, Q Ding
Sensors 10 (11), 9891-9918, 2010
Power management for cooperative localization: A game theoretical approach
J Chen, W Dai, Y Shen, VKN Lau, MZ Win
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (24), 6517-6532, 2016
Scalable and high-fidelity quantum random access memory in spin-photon networks
KC Chen, W Dai, C Errando-Herranz, S Lloyd, D Englund
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030319, 2021
Adaptive recurrence quantum entanglement distillation for two-Kraus-operator channels
L Ruan, W Dai, MZ Win
Physical Review A 97 (5), 052332, 2018
Resource management games for distributed network localization
J Chen, W Dai, Y Shen, VKN Lau, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (2), 317-329, 2017
Quantum queuing delay
W Dai, T Peng, MZ Win
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (3), 605-618, 2020
Base station ordering for emergency call localization in ultra-dense cellular networks
H Elsawy, W Dai, MS Alouini, MZ Win
IEEE Access 6, 301-315, 2017
Node placement for localization networks
Z Liu, W Dai, MZ Win
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Online learning for multi-channel opportunistic access over unknown markovian channels
W Dai, Y Gai, B Krishnamachari
2014 Eleventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2014
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Articles 1–20