Leah LeVay
Leah LeVay
Other namesLeah Schneider
International Ocean Discovery Program, Texas A&M University
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Cited by
A Cenozoic record of the equatorial Pacific carbonate compensation depth
H Pälike, MW Lyle, H Nishi, I Raffi, A Ridgwell, K Gamage, A Klaus, ...
Nature 488 (7413), 609-614, 2012
Middle Miocene climate cooling linked to intensification of eastern equatorial Pacific upwelling
A Holbourn, W Kuhnt, M Lyle, L Schneider, O Romero, N Andersen
Geology 42 (1), 19-22, 2014
Warming, euxinia and sea level rise during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Gulf Coastal Plain: implications for ocean oxygenation and nutrient cycling
A Sluijs, L Van Roij, GJ Harrington, S Schouten, JA Sessa, LJ LeVay, ...
Climate of the Past 10 (4), 1421-1439, 2014
Slow slip source characterized by lithological and geometric heterogeneity
PM Barnes, LM Wallace, DM Saffer, RE Bell, MB Underwood, A Fagereng, ...
Science Advances 6 (13), eaay3314, 2020
Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, Alaska
SPS Gulick, JM Jaeger, AC Mix, H Asahi, H Bahlburg, CL Belanger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (49), 15042-15047, 2015
Antarctic icebergs reorganize ocean circulation during Pleistocene glacials
A Starr, IR Hall, S Barker, T Rackow, X Zhang, SR Hemming, ...
Nature 589 (7841), 236-241, 2021
Hikurangi subduction margin coring, logging, and observatories
LM Wallace, DM Saffer, PM Barnes, IA Pecher, KE Petronotis, LJ LeVay
Proceedings of the international ocean discovery program 372, 2019
Site U14431
SC Clemens, W Kuhnt, LJ LeVay, P Anand, T Ando, M Bartol, CT Bolton, ...
Response of nannoplankton to early Eocene ocean destratification
LJ Schneider, TJ Bralower, LR Kump
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310 (3-4), 152-162, 2011
Mixed deformation styles observed on a shallow subduction thrust, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
Å Fagereng, HM Savage, JK Morgan, M Wang, F Meneghini, PM Barnes, ...
Geology 47 (9), 872-876, 2019
Site U1520
PM Barnes, LM Wallace, DM Saffer, IA Pecher, KE Petronotis, LJ LeVay, ...
Wallace, LM, Saffer, DM, Barnes, PM, Pecher, IA, Petronotis, KE, LeVay, LJ …, 2019
Indian monsoon rainfall
SC Clemens, W Kuhnt, LJ LeVay
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery program 353, 2016
Calcareous nannoplankton ecology and community change across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
LJ Schneider, TJ Bralower, LR Kump, ME Patzkowsky
Paleobiology 39 (4), 628-647, 2013
Persistent influence of precession on northern ice sheet variability since the early Pleistocene
S Barker, A Starr, J van der Lubbe, A Doughty, G Knorr, S Conn, ...
Science 376 (6596), 961-967, 2022
Expedition 361 summary
IR Hall, SR Hemming, LJ LeVay, S Barker, MA Berke, L Brentegani, ...
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 361, 2017
Physical properties and gas hydrate at a near‐seafloor thrust fault, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
AE Cook, M Paganoni, MB Clennell, DD McNamara, M Nole, X Wang, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (16), e2020GL088474, 2020
Expedition 372B/375 summary
DM Saffer, LM Wallace, PM Barnes, IA Pecher, KE Petronotis, LJ LeVay, ...
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program 372, 1-35, 2019
South African climates (Agulhas LGM density profile)
IR Hall, SR Hemming, LJ LeVay
International Ocean Discovery Program, 2016
Site U1517
PM Barnes, IA Pecher, LJ LeVay, SM Bourlange, MMY Brunet, S Cardona, ...
Texas A&M Univ., 2019
Nd isotopic structure of the Pacific Ocean 40–10 Ma, and evidence for the reorganization of deep North Pacific Ocean circulation between 36 and 25 Ma
CC McKinley, DJ Thomas, LJ LeVay, Z Rolewicz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 521, 139-149, 2019
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Articles 1–20