Ján Pekár
Ján Pekár
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Spatial and temporal runoff oscillation analysis of the main rivers of the world during the 19th–20th centuries
P Pekárová, P Miklánek, J Pekár
Journal of Hydrology 274 (1-4), 62-79, 2003
The impact of land use on stream water quality in Slovakia
P Pekárová, J Pekár
Journal of Hydrology 180 (1-4), 333-350, 1996
Is the water temperature of the Danube River at Bratislava, Slovakia, rising?
P Pekarova, D Halmova, P Miklanek, M Onderka, J Pekar, P Skoda
Journal of Hydrometeorology 9 (5), 1115-1122, 2008
Long-term trends and runoff fluctuations of European rivers
P Pekarova, P Miklanek, J Pekar
IAHS PUBLICATION 308, 520, 2006
Prediction of water quality in the Danube River under extreme hydrological and temperature conditions
P Pekárová, M Onderka, J Pekár, P Rončák, P Miklánek
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 57 (1), 3-15, 2009
Long‐term discharge prediction for the Turnu Severin station (the Danube) using a linear autoregressive model
P Pekarova, J Pekar
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 20 (5), 1217-1228, 2006
Extent and persistence of soil water repellency induced by pines in different geographic regions
M Iovino, P Pekárová, PD Hallett, J Pekár, Ľ Lichner, J Mataix-Solera, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66 (4), 360-368, 2018
Historic flood marks and flood frequency analysis of the Danube River at Bratislava, Slovakia
P Pekárová, D Halmová, VB Mitkova, P Miklánek, J Pekár, P Skoda
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61 (4), 326, 2013
Long-term trend and multi-annual variability of water temperature in the pristine Bela River basin (Slovakia)
P Pekárová, P Miklánek, D Halmová, M Onderka, J Pekár, K Kučárová, ...
Journal of Hydrology 400 (3-4), 333-340, 2011
Teleconnections of Inter-Annual Streamflow Fluctuation in Slovakia with Arctic Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation, Southern Oscillation, and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation …
P Pekarova, J Pekar
Advances in Atmospheric sciences 24, 655-663, 2007
A new method for estimating soil water repellency index
P Pekárová, J Pekár, Ľ Lichner
Biologia 70 (11), 1450-1455, 2015
Global drivers effect in multi-annual variability of runoff
M Fendeková, P Pekárová, M Fendek, J Pekár, P Škoda
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 62 (3), 169-176, 2014
Estimating flash flood peak discharge in Gidra and Parná basin: Case study for the 7-8 June 2011 flood
P Pekárová, A Svoboda, P Miklanek, P Škoda, D Halmova, J Pekar
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 60 (3), 206-216, 2012
Analysis of flood propagation changes in the Kienstock—Bratislava reach of the Danube River/Analyse des changements de propagation des crues dans le tronçon Kienstock …
V Mitkova, P Pekarova, P Miklanek, J Pekar
Hydrological Sciences Journal 50 (4), 2005
Long-term Danube monthly discharge prognosis for the Bratislava station using stochastic models
P Pekarova, P Miklanek, J Pekár
Meteorologicky Casopis 4, 211, 2007
Identification of long-term high-flow regime changes in selected stations along the Danube River
P Pekárová, B Pramuk, D Halmová, P Miklánek, S Prohaska, J Pekár
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 64 (4), 393-403, 2016
Examination of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen budget in three experimental microbasins with contrasting land cover—a mass balance approach
M Onderka, P Pekarova, P Miklanek, D Halmova, J Pekar
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 210, 221-230, 2010
Teleconnections of AO, NAO, SO and QBO with interannual streamflow fluctuation in the Hron basin
P Pekarova, J Pekar
J. Hydrol. Hydromech 52 (4), 279-290, 2004
Flood marks along the Danube River between Passau and Bratislava
P Pekárová, P Miklánek, M Melo, D Halmová, J Pekár, V Bacova Mitkova
Veda, Slovak Committee for Hydrology, Bratislava, 2014
Statistical analysis of hydrological regime of the Danube River at Ceatal Izmail Station
P Pekarova, L Gorbachova, VB Mitkova, J Pekar, P Miklanek
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 221 (1), 012035, 2019
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